Here you get an overview of NLP and an introduction to NLP contents, presuppositions, its founders, history, learning stages, and the definition of NLP.

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal. It relates thoughts, language, and patterns of behavior learned through experience to specific outcomes.

What is

NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming.
Its three components in the following:
1. Neuro
2. Linguistic
3. Programming
Neuro stands for our nervous system. Neuronal processes are controlling every behavior. Our nervous system transmits the information through our body.

Its main components are the brain and spinal cord from where our thoughts, feelings, and behavior are controlled.

Introduction to NLP - YogaFX

Through language, we communicate with other people. At the same time, we communicate with ourselves. It can distinguish between internal and external communication.

Definition Of

Introduction to NLP stands for neurolinguistic programming and was developed in the USA in the eighties as a communications and motivations model. It also by the linguists John Grinder and Richard Bandler thorough analyses of highly successful psychotherapists.
In its current status, NLP is not only in therapeutic contexts but also in nearly any other field such as leadership, therapy, sports, health, rhetoric, partnership, education, and sales management.
NLP offers a variety of methods to become aware of one´s feelings, thinking patterns, and behavioral patterns and develops them in a goal-oriented and constructive manner.

it offers many ways to identify and expand your personal strengths and skills.

Introduction to NLP - YogaFX

NLP serves as a method to raise awareness of patterns in perception, expression, thinking, and behavior. Using the partly subconscious, inner potentials those patterns can be expanded and adjusted.
The term is based on longstanding research on the structure of subjective experience (how people perceive and react to the world), communication (how people linguistically express themselves and communicate with each other), and behavioral patterns (how people store and automatically repeat their learning).
Particular attention is given to the strategies of successful people. They are precisely described to be available to anyone interested and be learned easily. The findings and contents of NLP enhance our communication and offer a great number of techniques to set goals and find solutions regarding a problem.

Introduction to NLP - YogaFX

How Does  NLP Work

And now lets Introduction to NLP. Modeling, action, and effective communication are key elements of neuro-linguistic programming. The belief is that if an individual can understand how another person accomplishes a task.
Proponents of neuro-linguistic programming propose that everyone has a personal map of reality. Those who practice NLP analyze their own and other perspectives to create a systematic overview of one situation.

By understanding a range of perspectives, the NLP user gains information.

NLP practitioners believe there are natural hierarchies of learning, communication, and change. The six logical levels of change are:
1. Purpose and spirituality
2. Identity: Identity is the person you perceive yourself to be and includes your responsibilities and the roles you play in life.
3. Beliefs and values: These are your personal belief system and the issues that matter to you.
4. Capabilities and skills: These are your abilities and what you can do.
5. Behaviors: Behaviors are the specific actions you perform.
Environment: Your environment is your context or setting, including any other people around you. This is the lowest level of change.
In conclusion, The purpose of each logical level is to organize and direct the information below it. As a result, making a change at a lower level may cause changes at a higher level.

Making a change at a higher level will also result in changes in the lower levels, according to NLP theory.

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