Top 8 Fitness Trends
You might be very interested to read on and understand why we have decided to research and write an article based on current fitness trends.
At YogaFX we are passionate about Health and WELL BEING.
YOGA IS VERY MUCH an integral part of the fitness industry, with additional major advantages.
A new year symbolizes a fresh start.

This is the perfect chance to see how yoga is now emerging through each, and every one of these popular fitness classes.
This article with giving you some insight as to how you can in the future, after graduating from YogaFX International Yoga Teaching Academy, reboot any stale existing workouts and incorporate any Hatha yoga sequence and dialogue into these new and exciting fitness trends.
Conversely, it will give some tips and insight as to how you can use these current fitness trends and incorporate your yoga class intentions while teaching yoga to your passionate students.
We will discuss all of these BENEFITS with you during your RYT 200 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in beautiful Ubud, Seminyak, and Canggu Bali.
The major advantage that yoga has over all of these fitness trends is obvious.
A trend is just that, a trend.
Yoga has been and always will be forever.
In the upcoming year, wearable tech, bodyweight training, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) will be huge, according to an annual report published by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). The 11th annual report surveyed 1,801 fitness professionals, including personal trainers, wellness coaches, exercise physiologists, and college professors.
1. Bodyweight training
Does Yoga use your body weight?
It’s easy to see why no-equipment workouts are so popular: They’re relatively easy to learn, they can be modified to suit any ability level, and they can be done just about anywhere.
Can a yoga class be done just about anywhere? Yes it can !
PLUS, body weight exercises are an efficient way to get fit for free. Pushups and pull-ups are classic bodyweight moves, but there are plenty more to choose from, like squats, lunges, and planks, just to name a few.
Yoga is in fact the transfer of body weight and balance. Yoga will use an enormous amount of body strength, so as your practice develops, so will your upper body strength, leg strength, and core strength.
2. HIIT High-Intensity Interval Training. Is This Possible In Yoga ?
Everywhere you look these days it’s all about HIIT.
HIIT helps you torch calories fast by combining repeated shorts bursts of work with short break periods. For example 45 seconds on, with 15 seconds of rest followed by 45 seconds on, with 20 seconds of rest. A high-intensity burst of energy followed with short rest periods. HIIT is based upon the Tabata method.

Has anyone ever done an Ashtanga class salutes A and B? or a Hatha Bikram Yoga series (not necessarily in a hot room)?
Are these two yoga classes’ examples of HIIT?
HIIT can be found in all types of workouts, Aerobics to CrossFit to boot camp classes. High profile fitness companies are huge proponents of this form of exercise. However, you would be amazed at how many emergency departments these days are dealing with so many injuries coming from this form of HIIT classes. The physiotherapists have never been so busy.
A well-taught yoga class will be the best and is the safest HIIT class that you will ever take or teach.
We will teach you this class and show to you the benefits of such a yoga teaching style.?
3. Educated, Certified, and Experienced Fitness Professionals
The number of people who want to become personal trainers, life coaches, yoga teachers, keeps growing. Likewise, gym bunnies and yoga students are searching for educated, certified, and experienced fitness professionals from whom they are wanting to learn. This means that fitness professionals have more options than ever to become educated and certified.
But more options doesn’t mean more quality
It Actually Means The OPPOSITE!?
The same is true when it comes to choosing your RYS 200 hours Hatha Yoga Teacher Training course
Professionals who work in the fitness and well-being industry are much more accountable than they were previously.
Reason being
Competition in the market place,
Google/Facebook reviews (one bad review and it can be over)
Clients becoming smarter
Clients demand value for money
it seems that everyone now has their “go-to teacher”. Why not let it be you?
Be it their yoga teacher, personal training, life coach.
A competent ✅
Educated ✅
Trained ✅
Well supported ✅
Well-resourced ✅
Well prepared yoga teacher is now more important than ever

Your RYT 200 Hours Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School (RYS) needs to be committed to teaching you, the yoga students, the actual Yoga Teaching world’s best practices, and standards.
It is your Hatha RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training providing you with,
Yoga teaching skills,
Competent instructional dialogue,
A solid foundation that will sustain and develop your teaching career,
Or will leave you feeling underwhelmed and falling behind as more and more yoga teachers graduate.
YogaFX International Yoga Teacher Training Academy is committed to graduating The-World’s-Best RYT 200 Hours Yoga students, at The-World’s-Best-Value for money price.
Our RYT 200 hours Yoga Teaching Training Course is approved by Yoga Alliance.
Upon your graduation you will be:
A certified Hatha Yoga Teacher
Posses Competent Yoga teaching skills
Posses Competent instructional dialogue
You will have a solid foundation go-to yoga sequence
And you will not leave feeling underwhelmed.
4. Group training
Soul Cycle, Pure Barre, Orange-theory, Bikram Yoga, Cross-fit—they’re all forms of group training, a huge FITNESS TREND that will continue to thrive in 2018 and beyond.
Bikram Yoga class is group training. An Ashtanga yoga class is group training, a Hatha Vinyasa class is group training.
If you are thinking that in someway yoga is better than any of the above mentioned, then seriously think twice about becoming a Yoga Teaching professional.

A group yoga class of 30 plus yoga students, attended by beginners through to advanced, is one of the most rewarding life experiences that you will ever have.
Your yoga students will validate you or they will remove you
It is most important to connect with each and every student no matter where they come from, or where they are going to go.
In a yoga class, there is not one person attached to perceived status. If they are, yoga will find them out and very quickly bring them back down to the natural level.
Most Importantly, This Includes The Teacher.
To be a yoga teacher is an honor and a privilege. We are devoted to the service of others. It is an amazing experience to let go. Try it!
5. Exercise Is Medicine
We all know that regular exercise lowers your risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, dementia, and other chronic diseases, and serves as a powerful stress-reducer and mood-booster. These are the numerous benefits of practicing yoga. These benefits of yoga are discussed during your Yoga Teacher Training.
Check out our Benefits of Yoga Series for more insights!
Did you know that these benefits are the main reasons the ACSM and the American Medical Association co-launching Exercise Is Medicine?
This global movement encourages physicians to refer patients to fitness and well being professionals in their communities.
It also encourages fitness and well being professionals to make connections with their local physicians.
There has probably never been such a good time to either change careers, or indeed to develop your own yoga teaching career.
Using yoga as form of exercise and promoting well-being and a healthy lifestyle, as a preventive health tool is perhaps more important than ever.
Name 7 benefits from the practicing of yoga? this is one of your exam questions:

6. Personal training
Personal training professionals generally provide one-on-one sessions that provide a more immersive and personalized experience for fitness seekers.
Have you ever thought of doing a one-on-one yoga class, a private yoga class? Isn’t this personal yoga training?
There is also an important shift happening in the health and wellness industry.
MORE EDUCATION A growing number of fitness professionals are seeking out formal education in kinesiology, exercise science, yoga.
Credentialing and actual presentation and teaching methodology skills are becoming more and more important than ever to the fitness centers and yoga studios that employ them. The perfect addition to your CV.

Many yoga studios are now insisting upon dummy classes as their interview for prospective new yoga teachers
The studio owners want to see first-hand the new yoga teachers’ teaching methods. they want to hear their dialogue. And observe their general class skill set before, offering a contract.
The Quantity of personal trainers and yoga teachers has increased.
But Not The Quality
Certifications and qualifications do not make excellent yoga teachers. Excellent Yoga Teacher Training Makes Excellent Yoga Teachers.
Real life teaching environments weed out the yoga teachers that may have received a yoga teacher certificate, but are in no way prepared to teach even a yoga class of 10 students.
Give yourself the best chance to become one of the world’s greatest yoga teachers. In a soon to be a saturated market
7. Wellness coaching
As opposed to personal training, health and wellness coaching focuses on the more mental aspects of wellness, like goal-setting.
These coaches provide support and encouragement for clients who want to meet certain goals in their health, like participating in rehabilitation or disease prevention.

Recently, personal trainers have implemented the techniques of wellness coaches into their fitness practices, blending the two trends into one.
Isn’t a yoga teacher already a wellness coach ?
8. Yoga
Yes! Yoga is in the Top 8 Fitness Trends of 2018.
It’s easy to see why as we run through the above list. Yoga is not a fitness fad, here today gone tomorrow.
Fitness centers however are constantly finding new ways to reinvent yoga—think aerial yoga, cross fit yoga, and rope wall yoga. These are fads. Only ever small class participation, with very low levels of regulars.
I haven’t seen many yogis in India practicing yoga by hanging from their curtains.
Have You?
We will not be teaching you this, an extremely unsafe form of Ariel gymnastics that have hijacked the word yoga as a promoting tool.

Yoga is pervasive in every area of health and wellbeing, as demonstrated in the top 8 list above.
The increasing reach of yoga, its acknowledgment, and acceptance in a broad base of the community is only going to become more profound, as the world becomes more connected, more stressful, and more uncertain.
The demand for highly trained yoga teaching professionals, that have graduated from Premier Registered Yoga Teacher Training Schools (RYS) is set to continue.
we highly RECOMMEND yogafx international yoga teacher training academy
This ancient mind-body-spirit practice can be taught on the go, indoors, outdoors, on a train, on a plane. It will boost your mood, IMPROVE your sex life, and strengthen your entire body.
Yoga has been around for thousands of years and has been one of the modern fitness trends for at least the last decade. So how does the practice of yoga continue to be so popular?
Yoga is a sustainable, almost living breathing organic entity, and yoga teachers are merely a custodian of its great teachings and mysticism.
Yoga teachers in general have immense pride and respect for their chosen profession. They treat their responsibilities with care and maintain high standards of yoga teaching, yoga practice, and yoga ethics.
This is why, and the only reason that yoga still exists today.
After 5000 years yoga is getting more popular and more strong with each and every passing day.
Just Think About That For a Second!

It’s actually quite remarkable when concentration spans are down to 45 seconds, 90-minute yoga classes and meditation are booming.
Traditional Hatha, Ashtanga and Bikram classes are readily available and achieving excellent student participation. Depending upon only one thing?
The teaching skills of the yoga teacher.
Explore our Course Inclusions and Main Event for all the details!