Power Of The Mudras Part 2: Everything That You Wished You Know [Complete Comprehensive Guide]

Power Of The Mudras Part 2

Power Of The Mudras Part 2: Mudras Used For Awakening the Kundalini Shakti

To Read Power of The Mudras Part 1, Please Click Here

Ashwini Mudra

ASWHINI MUDRA IS THE STARTING MUDRA used to prepare one for the correct practice of Mulabandh. To Practice Ashwini mudra, You have to repeatedly contract and releasing the anal tract. THROUGH THIS PRACTICE, the urinary and semen vein is become strong, and all diseases to these organs are prevented.

This mudra can be practiced at any time sitting in any asana, one can also do it standing up or lying down.

YogaFX Intensive RYT 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Canggu Bali

Practicing this mudra in the beginning helps one to perform Mulabandha easily


Vajroli is actually a kriya from the Hatha Yoga tradition, not really a mudra but some practitioners of yoga classify it in the mudras. One practices this mudra by drawing in water, milk, pure oils, ghee, and mercury (only for advanced levels) through the urinary tract. Among these, consider drawing in milk and mercury as most superior. According to Hatha yoga, one who does the Vajroli does not need to follow any other rules, he becomes the winner of death. Only the grace of guru can lean the hidden kriya.

Yoga Mudra

YogaFX Yoga Teacher Training Course Seminyak BaliThis mudra is practiced by sitting in the Vajrasan or Padmasan. If you are PRACTICING THIS MUDRA in the Vajrayana, then make a fist with your hands and place them on the side of your navel. If you do this mudra in the padmasan, hold your hands together on your back.

Here we will discuss yoga mudra in the padmasan pose

Technique: Sit in padmasan on a blanket or something soft. Place your left foot on your right thigh and your right foot on your left thigh. Try to keep the ankles on level.

1. Close the right side of the nose with your thumb and breathe in from the left. Holding your breath in do the Jalandhar lock.

2. Take both your hands behind your back and catch hold of the right wrist with your left hand, and bending forward from the waist, bring your forehead to the ground performing Kumbhak.

3. When you feel THE NEED TO EXHALE, raise your body up making it straight, close the left side of the nose with the thumb or ring finger and slowly breathe out from the right. Breathe out completely. After a few seconds breathe in from the right. Do the Jalandhar bandh and once again take your hands behind you, this time catch hold of the left wrist with your right hand. Bend forward bringing your forehead to the ground and hold the pose in Kumbhak. Slowly come up and breathe out from your left.

This is one round of the Yoga Mudra

IN THIS WAY, perform three such rounds, to begin with, and then add one more round every day. You can practice this in the morning and evening. A dedicated yoga practitioner who is doing sadhana can practice 20 rounds, four times a day- morning, afternoon, evening, and night.

Benefits: With the practice of this mudra one can be rid of all ailments of the stomach such as:




??jaundice, etc

The lungs to are strengthened. Long practice of this mudra purifies the Nadis…

…completely creating a strong foundation for Yoga Sadhana


The Present is a Place of Motivation Not Agitation
