Here are 10 Reasons to Try Yoga for Face

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When you first hear about face yoga, it’s easy to see it as yet another natural anti-aging technique that helps you remove wrinkles.

Face yoga involves massage and exercises that stimulate the muscles, skin, and lymphatic system. This technique is designed to soften and relax your face muscles to help alleviate tension, stress, and worry. This may also help you stop making the facial expressions associated with those feelings.

Research has found face yoga may be effective in improving the structural appearance of your face by strengthening the muscles of the cheeks and face. Practitioners report a younger appearance as well.

1. It’s all-natural.

From creams and serums to injections and surgeries, there are plenty of anti-aging strategies to maintain a youthful look. The problem is that these methods often use chemicals or surgical procedures to get results. Facial yoga is as natural as it gets—no who-knows-what ingredients or hours under a laser or scalpel.

2. It releases tension.

You might be surprised at how much tension you hold in your face and neck. Facial yoga teaches you to become more aware of those muscles so you can relax them anytime you feel tightness creeping up.

3. It may help reduce wrinkles.

Some wrinkles come with age. Some come because we’re constantly tensing muscles in the face, like those around the eyes or mouth. Facial yoga builds awareness so you can release the unhealthy tension that’s carving crows’ feet and other wrinkles.

4. It may promote collagen production.

The muscle activity might boost collagen production, keeping the skin younger looking, according to one dermatologist who recommends the exercises. To learn more about getting beautiful skin naturally.

5. It’s cheaper than medical intervention.

Whether you follow facial yoga videos from YouTube or take a facial yoga class (yes, there are classes), it will be less expensive than repeated visits to a dermatologist’s office or the purchase of fancy anti-aging creams.

6.Tones facial muscles while maintaining a relaxed look

Essentially, facial yoga is a form of exercise, which means it tones and tightens your face. As you exercise these muscles, you’re drawing blood, oxygen, and extra circulation to this delicate skin, which can stimulate collagen production and emulates youth. Bring. It. On. And unlike the frozen look of botox or the red scarring of other procedures (chemical peel redness can last for several months), facial yoga gives you a natural glow and relaxed look.
It is also meant to follow in traditional yoga’s footsteps with assisting to clear the mind of stress and turmoil.

7.Can help eliminate double chins

Who doesn’t want to eliminate the dreaded double chin? Or jowls? Facial yoga can assist in eliminating both! This goes hand in hand with toning, but with more focus on the neck, which can sag with aging. In fact, in many Asian cultures, neck exercises are beauty secrets believed to promote youthfulness.

8. And it’s better for you, too

As natural-living aficionados, Botox is at the top of our toxic no-no list. It is literally like venom. Additionally, most anti-aging creams contain paraffin, mineral oil, heavy fragrances, and other undesirable ingredients.
Facial yoga is 100% natural and without harmful chemicals.

9. Can boost self-esteem and confidence

Let’s face it – when you look better, you feel better. My experience with facial yoga, so far, has been part humor and part confidence boost. I enjoy watching myself mimic the silly poses while knowing the practice is good for me!

10. It may slow down the aging process

The more we smile, squint, or become tense, the more wrinkles we accumulate through the years. While this is a natural part of life, facial yoga can help slow the progression of aging. Specific poses assist in recognizing when we’re unconsciously furrowing our brows or pursing our lips. You’d be surprised how often certain facial expressions happen out of habit and contribute to deeper wrinkles and tension.

Treat yourself to ultra-beneficial face yoga!

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