The best way for a yoga instructor to be successful is to have great yoga websites – just one of the reasons why a yoga instructor needs websites.
yoga websites that authentically portrays your essence as a yoga instructor
The person that goes on to become your student because they resonate with you. And want to learn more about how you can help them with their yoga journey.
It’s all possible and it’s true for all successful yoga teachers – they have a website!
But, Do Yoga Instructors Really Need Websites?
Many yoga instructors are afraid to have a website. For example, only tech wizards can create websites, too expensive to run, it will never be successful, or the worst one… I’m not smart enough to create a website in the first place.
Luckily, WordPress.com exist! WordPress alleviated most of the fears about creating a website. WordPress is a tool that makes creating a website EASY. You don’t need to learn how to code, you just “drag and drop” things where you want them!
The world is becoming saturated with yoga teachers. More than 15,000 people graduate from teacher training each year. Yoga teachers desperately need any advantage they can get to stand out from their peers.
A website is a small investment in your future.
When a person is interested in something, the first thing they do is Google it.
A yoga teacher’s website is their resume, brand, and marketing vehicle all rolled into one. We know it’s intimidating to think about. Luckily there are tons of resources online to help – some free ones and, some premium courses that cost money.
Although it wasn’t always easy, building a website can open so many doors for business and overall life.
Here are the reasons why a yoga instructor needs websites!
Searchable and found online
Imagine this…one of your regular students tells their bestie about you and how they love your classes and teachings. Their bestie goes online, types “yoga – your name – their location” …and nothing.
You’re nowhere to be found. Perhaps they find you on Facebook but the information doesn’t really give them what they were looking for. They were hoping to find out how you can help them with their yoga journey. They were hoping to find your website so that they could connect, sign up for your newsletter, and book a class!
So instead… they move on. Whilst they’re there looking at yoga in their local area, they stumble upon another yoga teacher. And guess what? They book a class. This is the reality of what not having a yoga website means for you and your yoga business. You must be searchable and found in the places your students and potential students are hanging out online.
It also means you can keep your existing students updated so that if you move studios or have a new class, they can find this information on your website. And then continue to practice with you.
To stand out and build credibility
As more and more people go through their yoga teacher training, it’s becoming even more important to stand out online. A yoga website builds your credibility in the eyes of your students and yoga studios when applying for teaching jobs.
It really could be the difference between booking a class with you or not and hiring you or not. Your website is a small investment in your future as a yoga teacher. It will help you to secure yoga teaching jobs locally and abroad as it shows you’re committed to being a yoga teacher. And you’re working towards growing your audience and following. If you teach private and corporate classes, your yoga website will help you to look more professional.
You can also differentiate and portray your yoga brand through your website to help you stand out amongst other yoga teachers.
Connect with yoga studios and the industry
Your website is essentially your brand, CV, or resume and gives studios a taste of your personal and teaching styles. It’s essentially a networking tool to connect with the right people, partners, and studios that will help you to build your following and progress your teaching career faster.
Having a website gives you the ability to link to other brands, studios, and teachers in your community. And that is a really great way to work in partnership and build your credibility.
Increase your class size
Your website is a key part of your marketing toolkit and works in conjunction with email marketing and social media. Promotion of your classes through email and social can direct people to your website to find your teaching schedule and book a class.
Without a website, you are missing one of the key components in this process. And you could lose out on gaining new students as it becomes more difficult to book a class with you.
Your website is an extension of yourself and your brand which will connect with the students who are made for you – your ideal students. In turn, you will increase the number of people attending your classes.
Build deeper relationships
Your new website will also be a place where you can publish your thoughts, opinions, and yoga philosophy. It gives your students a chance to learn more about you and your teachings so that they feel more connected to you.
Building deeper relationships with students is a rewarding aspect of your job.
Reach a wider audience
A yoga website allows you to reach potential students in other locations so you can spread your message even wider. And perhaps even open the door to teaching online. Your potential students can be anywhere in the world. So this is a huge benefit especially if you have online courses and classes.
Build an email database
Having a website is the easiest way to collect email addresses from your potential and existing students. You can add an opt-in form to the pages on your website and connect it to MailChimp to easily collect email addresses and build up a list of subscribers.
Building a list of email addresses from people who connect with you and your philosophy is the best way to fill your classes, events, and retreats.
Generate extra income
Most yoga teachers are struggling financially. Some teachers are spending their week teaching 20+ classes and are still struggling to pay the bills. When you take a closer look at this, those teachers are being paid for their time teaching in the studio but they’re also spending time traveling from studio to studio and planning classes, time that’s not necessarily paid for.
In the long term, this option is not a sustainable way to make a living from teaching yoga.
The other option is to build a profitable and sustainable yoga business and to do this you need to learn new skills and look at generating other income streams. Having a website can open up opportunities to generate extra income and more freedom.
Your yoga website is the foundation of everything you do, it’s your home and hub for your community. So when you have higher-priced premium products such as retreats, private classes, yoga coaching, and e-courses, your website will help you to promote these offerings. So these extra income generators could be workshops or retreats or teaching online.
All successful yoga instructors have a website!
Successful yoga instructors earn money in lots of different ways outside of teaching in a yoga studio. They realize that only teaching in a yoga studio will not offer the income you need to live comfortably. Sure it’s a great way to gain teaching experience and to build your community of regular students but eventually, you must have a longer-term strategy if you’re to be a successful yoga instructor.
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