RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training – Salary vs Value?
YogaFX RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Bali
AN AVERAGE RYT 200 COURSE in Bali costs around $3,000. This payment might seem like a lot of money and of course, it is. But the question should be, how much is your health worth to you? And conversely how much do other people believe their health is worth to them? and a good salary for a yoga teacher.
Your health goes once but the health costs are forever
The real value of your health is only ever clearly revealed once the costs of your sickness start to roll in.
The average American family’s health premium has risen 19% over the past five years, to $7,000 for single coverage in 2017, and to nearly $19,000 for family coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
In addition to premium increases, their out-of-pocket costs, which include what they shell out for deductibles, copays, and coinsurance, have risen too. Between 2005 and 2015 average out-of-pocket costs grew 66%, or more than twice the growth rate in wages during that period, according to Kaiser.
Health has never been more front and centre as it is today.

Health is without doubt your greatest asset
So, it is the cost of your RYT 200 hour Yoga Teaching Course versus the benefits and value of such a training course.
Once you have decided that you want to be involved in the health and well-being industry as a yoga teacher, or indeed to improve your own practice. The question to ask yourself is, is your Hatha 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali the-best-value-for your health investment dollar or to make salary?
Answer Yes it is ✅
INVESTING in the protection of your health CANNOT be a bad decision. Investing in A COURSE for the well-being and health of others CANNOT be a bad decision.
It is never about the cost of your RYT 200 Hours YogaFX Teacher Training experience in Ubud Bali. It is about the value that your yoga teacher training course will bring to you and your family FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES❗
Is NOW Your Moment To Become Involved ?
The Health and WELL-BEING industries are booming. This trend will continue to evolve and grow within our lifetimes.?
According to a 2016 Yoga Journal report, 36.7 million people practice yoga in the US, up from 20.4 million in 2012. The yoga market is now worth $16 billion (£12 billion) in the US and $80 billion (£74 billion) globally.
In the UK, “yoga” was one of Google’s most searched-for words in 2015,16,17, while the yoga business brings in £812 million a year, and rising.

Students are packed into yoga classes, which cost north of $15 a pop and the professional expert yoga teacher training costs thousands (fees start at around $2800 without accommodation and can go to $8,000) Yoga retreats are pricey $2500 a week for anything decent in Bali.
And it is not just the yoga studios making money. Take a look at the market for yoga mats. According to market research company Technion, the US yoga and exercise mat business is expected to climb from $11bn (£8bn) now to $14bn (£10bn) in 2020.

Sales of athleisure clothing generated $35bn (£25bn) in 2015 – an all-time high – making up 17% of the entire US clothing market, according to market research firm NPD Group.
Yoga pants by Lorna Jane cost $110, while GQ magazine has described Lululemon’s yoga pants as a cult obsession among “a certain set of gym-minded women and busy moms across the country”. You can even buy Lululemon prayer beads for $108 (£80).
Exercise Is Now a Recommended Medicine ?♀️
WE ALL KNOW that regular yoga classes and exercise lowers your risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, dementia, and other chronic diseases and serves as a powerful stress-reducer and mood booster.
But it is only now that such influential government organizations such as why the ACSM and the American Medical Association co-launched Exercise Is Medicine.
A global movement…
With health care costs on the rise and with the future of the health insurance industry uncertain, using yoga and exercise as a preventive health tool is perhaps more important than ever.
Serious About Wanting To Be The Best?

If you are curious about yoga, passionate about yoga, or just wanted a few weeks on a yoga retreat in Bali. You would also like to share your newfound knowledge, experiences and practice with others? Then the return on your investment will be immediate.
You are only ever going to make one investment in your health and wellbeing. But the BENEFITS, experience, and knowledge gained from your yoga teacher course will last you and your family forever. Maybe for the next 40 years.?
ryt 200 the best Value for Money Investment that you will ever make
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