Home Yoga Certification The Importance of Yoga Instructor Certification

The Importance of Yoga Instructor Certification

The Importance of Yoga Instructor Certification

Isn’t it common these days for everyone is becoming a certified yoga instructor?

Wondering whether to go with this or not or how to go with it. Is it realistic? Yes, it is if you are passionate about the practice and want to impart the benefits to yourself and as well as others, if so then you’re good to go for yoga instructor certification!

Yoga Instructors, being upholders of tradition and engineers of the future really make the world go round! This profession, unparalleled in nobility and full of purpose, is too powerful a calling to avert. Like yoga, the purpose of spreading the light of education is a superbly elevating experience. And when the two causes meet, it’s a confluence of divine ordains! Certainly, any grand introduction is redundant for those who have taken at least one yoga instructor certification program.

Addressing multiple areas of life and living with great emphasis and structure, the yoga instructor program enables yogis to deepen personal practices, absorb more light and wisdom and steer towards positive goals, and also develop an aptitude for successfully giving the yogic art of good living to the rest of the world.

It should hold exclusive importance for those who want to teach yoga.

What Is Yoga Alliance?

Yoga Alliance is a private, non-profit organization created in 1999/2000 to provide a standard of education for yoga teachers. However, they are NOT a certifying body like ACE or AFAA, and they state this clearly on their website. They do not issue certificates of any kind. No local, state or federal government sanctions the organization to hold any RYT or RYS accountable.

Becoming an RYT is completely voluntary.

So what does it mean to be a Registered Yoga Teacher? It means:

  • Completed a YA-approved teacher training program like Purple Lotus Yoga.
  • Obtained a certificate from that program.
  • Sent a copy of that certificate to the YA.
  • Paid an annual fee to YA which allows you to use the designation of RYT.
  • Added to their registry {database} of teachers.

Voila! You are now an RYT.

*Updated: The Yoga Alliance increased its requirements for approval.

Do I Need to Be a Member of Yoga Alliance to Teach Yoga?

If you want a one-word answer to your question – no, you do not have to have a certification or membership of the Yoga Alliance to be able to teach yoga. Having said that, being a member of the Yoga Alliance definitely comes with a few advantages. Not only will highly skilled practitioners who are crème de la crème of the field train you, but it will also help you to hone your skills and teaching abilities. Leading you well on the path of being a certified yoga instructor as per world-class standards. In the future, you can impart your knowledge using the stellar techniques and methods that you have been trained to use.

You must be asking yourself, should I register with Yoga Alliance? While it is not mandatory to register, there are definitely several perks and advantages, which come with a yoga alliance certified position – a definite kick-start to your career and personal growth.

What to Do

Ultimately each teacher must decide how important being an RYT is to them. Do your research. Only you can if it’s a step you want to take after graduating from the yoga instructor certification program.

Talk to your favorite teachers and find out whether they opted to register with the Yoga Alliance or not. You’ll probably find the score similarly split. Not everyone registers and many believe registering with YA is uber-important.

For teachers to truly learn and grow, they must actually teach real live students

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