Revealed – The 10 Yoga Teaching Tips That Help Your Yoga Business Ever!
HAVE YOU NOTICED Yoga Business is more popular than ever? New yoga studios are opening every minute. People are feeling good, looking good, and getting excited about sharing their love of the practice. ?
Teaching yoga has become the new “it” job. It allows you to travel around the world and meet different cultures, or build your own successful practice at your local yoga studio, with the flexibility of yoga teaching full-time or part-time.
As a newly graduated yoga teacher, how do you not get lost in a sea of tens of thousands of yoga teachers already in the yoga bubble?
How do you stand out?
What makes you different?
How do you get people to come to your class and share your classes with others?
What is the unique quality that makes your yoga class an extraordinary experience?
Is your yoga class fun, inspiring, progressive, a great relaxation meditative practice, or is it heaven help you?
Does your 60-minute hatha yoga class help perpetuate the yoga stereotype for 96% of the population that yoga is boring?
The dominant reason that yoga students will not come back to a yoga class, or, even try a yoga class, is not because it was hard. They don’t come back because it was boring, for them.
There is only one reason that two yoga classes PRACTICING in the same yoga sequence have one full class while the other is empty. THE TEACHER
one class is busy and one class is empty
During your RYT 200 here in Bali
We will demonstrate to you how one Hatha yoga sequence given by five different yoga teachers results in 5 different classes of the same Hatha yoga sequence.
Never let anybody say to you that all Ashtanga, Bikram, Vinyasa classes are the same. They are not if you have a great teacher.
One great teacher can teach the same Hatha yoga sequence in 30 + ways without any problem.
WE will show you how !
At YogaFX RYT 200 hour’s International Yoga Teacher Training Academy based in beautiful Bali we will help you to build your yoga teaching skills. Clearly identifying your strengths, and improving markedly your weaknesses. During your yoga teacher training with us, we will help you to find your voice, your style, and your unique approach. And help you to stand out from the crowd.
FROM THIS SOLID FOUNDATION the kind of class that you would like to offer to your students, and how best you can serve them will become more clear.
The scariest quote I ever heard was
“You +Yoga Teaching = So What?”
Make no mistake the yoga teaching community is very competitive. Current Yoga Alliance Statistics will tell you that as of today there are currently 88,000 Yoga Alliance Registered Teachers.
Now of course not all of these yoga teachers will be teaching full time. Most are teaching part-time, once a month maybe teaching only to their friends, and have yoga as a hobby, not as a full-time profession. Of the 88,000 there will be approximately 16 to 20,000 active yoga teachers.
The 16,000 active teachers may have a certificate but don’t mean that they will be a great teacher. More yoga teachers are coming into the community every year and this trend will continue for a few more years. The total numbers of Registered Yoga Teachers and then will find a natural balance, so the net number is the same.
It is therefore more important than ever that you can stand out from the crowd?
Your timing right now to become a Yoga Teaching Professional is perfect.?
Leave it a few more years and it will become a little more difficult to find your own space. If you have the desire, you just need the action. The time gap between desire and action is procrastination, THE THIEF OF TIME.⏰
10 Tips That Help You Teach Your Best Yoga Class Ever!
The following is a simple guide to provide you with the basics of building a successful yoga teaching practice.?
1. The Journey Begins, Your Own Regular Yoga Practice
Your desire to become a yoga teacher started by taking your own yoga classes, right? You saw something, felt something,heard something, talked something, did something that turned on your light, made you sit up and think.
I can do this !
You thought that this yoga class is brilliant, or that this yoga class is rubbish. You thought that I want to teach like this or I can teach better than this. The main influence of course was the teacher. The same as it was in school.
You liked or disliked a subject primarily because of the teacher and so it is with your yoga class. Once your yoga teaching light has gone on, set aside at least 3 to 4 times a week to roll out your mat.
You will find that the yoga classes that you now practice will have a new purpose.Not only are there the well-known health benefits of taking regular yoga classes, but now you will be listening more intensely, thinking about your own practice a bit more.
You will stop yourself from just going through the motions. Start to research yoga on-line, maybe even sending off emails for more information on YogaFX RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Courses in India, Bali, Europe, and other places.
As you start to think more positively about becoming a professional yoga teacher, it would be a good idea to have at least have a solid 2 to 4 months of yoga practice under your belt.
2. The Next Step, You Deserve Excellent Training.
According to Yoga Alliance Statistics, there are currently 6000 Registered Yoga Schools. Of these 6000’s schools, there would be only approximately 1000 reasonably active RYS’s.
There are many not so active yoga schools that are operated by business investors and not yoga teachers. There are also online operators and promoters dotted around the globe all offering uninspiring, unregulated, unregistered yoga teaching courses and charging in most cases upwards of $3500. These yoga schools are NOT REGISTERED by Yoga Alliance. Do your checks!
Like with any service industry there are the pretenders
At YogaFX International Yoga Teaching Academy we talk at length in our articles
MAKE NO MISTAKE your Yoga Teacher Training Course is the single most important yoga teaching investment that you will EVER MAKE.
How you will spend your time, your money, your resources at the commencement of your new yoga teaching career is vital.
Get this yoga teaching course wrong and end up doing a 4-week yoga workshop for a possible $6000 in expenses (when you include course fee, accommodation, food, flights, and clothes) can leave you feeling terribly upset and frustrated.
Not to mention taking time and holidays off work, separating from family, and as in some cases completely resigning from your job. All of the above points added together can leave you feeling a little unsettled, to say the least.
How do we know this? it is because we have completed and attended other courses around the world.?
And listened to students comments and feedback
Of course, you can always take another Yoga Teacher Training Course, after you have recovered, saved up again, and found the time, so all is not lost. Your Yoga Teacher Training Course will either leave you feeling cheated or elated.
Learn how to truly teach an all-levels Hatha Yoga Class.
We would love to hear from you!
3. Connect With Your Students
Create a Facebook, Instagram page. This is a central landing point where your students can find you and ask questions. It increases your opportunity to teach more yoga students. You can also ask your students what they might like to see in your classes. Pose questions and be social outside the classroom.
During your teacher training, we will be giving lectures on the use of, and the importance of social media in building your yoga community.?
4. Have A Class Plan
IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to develop a go-to class in your teaching arsenal. This is your yoga class that you know always works and that you can rely upon.
During your RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course in Ubud Bali, we will teach you the world’s-most-popular Hatha yoga sequence, and how to deliver it. We know it works! It is the world’s-most-popular yoga sequence for a reason.
WE WILL TEACH YOU to never get lost in your class and to never experience a class freeze. Most importantly your students will maintain their motivation by being able to benchmark their progress each week as they become more familiar with your sequence. This will increase their flexibility and general well-being, leading them to become a natural promoter of you their teacher, and your yoga classes.
Everybody wins !?
As your confidence improves along with your timings and dialogues, you can add more postures and switch things up a bit. But you need a solid foundation first from which to build your class.
You need to understand the relationship with yourself first before you can understand the relationship with your students.
Teaching yoga is great❗
5. Create Great Themes For Your Classes
Setting a class theme is becoming one of the yoga class buzz terms these days.
Try not to overthink these things. Teaching a yoga class comes from your heartnot through struggling to find an impressive theme.
I tend to only be an observer.
My theme is my intention and the inspiration comes from what is going on in my life at that moment. Be it happy, sad, excited, new experience, loss of someone, etc. All of these real-life experiences have teaching relevance throughout your yoga class. We can show you how to bring your authentic self through your yoga classes and to connect with your students.
Be yourself !?
Your students want to meet you. The Real YOU!
6. Smile While You Are Teaching
But you would be amazed at how many yoga teachers out there have bad attitudes.?
We have all taken a yoga class where the teacher is completely disengaged, disinterested, unfocused, and the list goes on. They bring all of their life dramas to your yoga class. As if you don’t have enough going on already.
It reminds me of using personal trainers at the gym; the majority just don’t seem to have any interest whatsoever.
Well, it’s the same with yoga teachers. You all know the one teacher(s) that are too arrogant and moody. I remember a yoga studio in Sydney Australia. The owner was one of the most arrogant, moody people you would ever meet, and a reputation of that to match. But at the time some 15 years ago it was the only yoga studio open. Suffice to say the studio no longer exists. It’s not surprising that it might take a while for you to find…
…your go to teacher
YogaFX International Teaching Academy 200Hours Bali images 4 1024x704
I always used to make a special effort to go and to take a yoga class with a brilliant yoga teacher in Seminyak Bali. His class was always different, his energy and enthusiasm were infectious.
As was his passion, motivation, and knowledge of yoga that had people coming from all over Bali to fill his class. Other classes at the same studio were always empty. Why❓
SECRET he will be taking some classes for us on our next RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Ubud Bali. It’s a class not to be missed.?
Yoga students will come to see YOU THEIR YOGA TEACHER, not a fancy yoga studio with no soul.
So after you have completed your excellent Yoga Teacher Training Course in Seminyak Bali, it doesn’t matter where you are, where you teach, in a car park, on a roof, in a boardroom, on a plane. If you are consistent in mind, body, attitude, and have a solid foundation yoga sequence, you will have yoga teaching freedom.
However, students won’t remember what you said, they don’t remember what you did…
they will remember how you made them feel!
7. Connect With Your Yoga Students
Be early to your classes and stay after class so that your yoga students know that they can come to you with concerns or questions. Be accessible and approachable as a teacher. Meet students where they are in their practice because snobby, self-righteous, and judgmental yoga teachers end up with no students. You want to empower and motivate your yoga students.
8. Be Encouraging To Those Who Are Struggling
A kind word or compliment, and a little push goes’ a long way to building someone’s confidence. Making your yoga student feel at home is the most important. Especially the newcomers who may feel a little out of place and awkward. It can be scary for people to enter the yoga studio for the first time. Making them feel welcome goes a long way in helping your students to get out their mats regularly.
9. If You Can, Take Your Yoga To A New Location
Once you have mastered the above and have a good solid regular yoga student community, feel free to change locations, and venues. Practice in the park or at the beach. If you manage to make it and join us at YogaFX Yoga Teacher Training Academy in Bali we will regularly time permitting, take you down to the beach (which is only five minutes away) so that you can get some real-life great experience in teaching in outdoor venues. It is good for you and your students to become confident and experienced in teaching yoga without always the controlled environment of the yoga studio.
10. Most Importantly, Be Yourself
The one consistent message in the above ten tips should be by this stage loud and clear. BE YOURSELF.
It is that once you have been taught a popular hatha yoga sequence by the right RYS and once you know what to say when to say it, and how to say it, the rest is easy.
You cannot build a beautiful home without a solid foundation.That’s It!
Once you have a solid foundation, you can build your house 100 stories high if you want to.?
Even the sky isn’t your limit.
Your YogaFX RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training is your foundation.
You are reading this article because you care. Choose your Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School wisely.
The privilege of being the yoga teacher is an empowering responsibility.
BE YOURSELF explore your great sense of humor, rhythm, or attention to detail with your class. When you put something out there that is uniquely you, it is the people who are drawn to you that will show up to your classes. There is something magical that happens when your authentic soul connects with people who are truly interested in what you have to offer.?
Be in the moment, because that moment is so powerful!
Remember you have something extraordinary to share with the world!
At YogaFX International Yoga Teacher Training Academy
Our mission is
To Graduate The-World’s-Greatest RYT 200 hour’s Yoga Teachers ForThe World’s-Best Price Every time !
Join our next yoga course in Ubud, Seminyak, Canggu, Bali.
For instant access Q&A on course prices and information please WhatsApp us directly.
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