The Complete Guide to Yoga Instructor Liability Insurance

The Complete Guide to Yoga Instructor Liability Insurance

Having yoga teacher insurance is a must.

Being a yoga teacher is a gratifying and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its unique challenges. Students come in all ages, sizes, and backgrounds and they come to a yoga teacher for several different reasons, ranging from wanting to unwind to wanting to improve flexibility and physical fitness. These different abilities and expectations can be a challenge for yoga teachers, with one of the biggest concerns being that someone will get injured during a lesson.

Who Needs Yoga Teacher Insurance?

Yoga is a gentle form of activity that is recommended by many health professionals for its emotional and physical benefits. As a yoga teacher, you understand all of these advantages and pass them on to your students during classes. However, injuries can still happen, either due to accidents or because some students push themselves harder than their body allows. Insurance for yoga teachers can also protect yourself and your business from misunderstandings. It’s important to find the best yoga teacher insurance for you.

Let’s first have a look at a few examples of when insurance might be important.

Studio Requirement

yoga instructor liability insuranceMost studios require teachers to have their own yoga instructor liability insurance before they can use the premises for classes. Never assume that you are covered just because a studio where you teach has general liability insurance. Their insurance may not extend to covering their teachers. The good news is that general liability insurance goes with you wherever you teach, whether it be a park, a studio, or a private home.


Insurance will cover you in case one of your students is injured. As a yoga teacher, it’s easy to believe that it couldn’t happen to you, but if a student is injured, even if you were not negligent, they can sue. The fact is that certain poses require students to move their bodies in ways they are not accustomed to and with pre-existing conditions that you may not know about, this could lead to injury; in recent years, more than 2,000 people were injured by yoga per year.

You don’t have to be in the wrong to be sued, the injured student just needs to believe you were in the wrong. In December 2008, a yoga teacher was sued by a student in Boulder, Colorado after “unsolicited physical manipulation” resulted in a meniscal injury that required surgery. Another case, from 2013, involved a former student bringing a lawsuit, alleging that overcrowding in a yoga studio resulted in him having to take a spot near a window.

During a handstand, he lost his balance and his leg went through the window, injuring him.

Invasion of Privacy

If a student feels that an invasion of privacy occurred, your insurance can protect you from a potential lawsuit. This could include a scenario where you posted a photo from a class online to advertise or share your work, and a student in the picture did not want their photo to be used.

Alleged Misconduct

Unfortunately, due to the physical nature of yoga and the close contact between a yoga teacher and a student, there is a risk of allegations of misconduct. Yoga teacher insurance will protect you in these cases. In October 2017, a man in San Francisco filed a lawsuit against his gym and yoga instructor stating that the instruction “involved frequent and unnecessary physical contact…. for prolonged periods of time.”

General Liability vs. Professional Liability Insurance

Both general liability insurance and professional liability insurance are important for yoga instructors; the best option is to seek out a policy that has both types of coverage. General liability insurance will protect you against any third-party claims for injury or property damage. It would cover you, for instance, in case something injures a student.

Professional liability insurance will protect you against any claims that your instruction or posture correction resulted in injury. Imagine a student did not understand your explanations of a movement and because of that, they injured themselves.

Yoga insurance costs can vary greatly and more expensive is not always best for you. It is important to read yoga teacher insurance reviews as you may find affordable

The Bottom Line

yoga instructor

No matter what sort of yoga business you have, yoga teacher insurance is a must. It will afford you the protection that you deserve so you can grow your business and challenge your students without worry about a worst-case scenario. Make sure that your coverage gives you just what you need, at the right price.

yoga teacher insurance that gives you all the coverage you need.

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