The Power of Omega 3 for Health

benefits of omega 3

If you follow the news on health and nutrition, you’re probably aware of all hype that’s been surrounding Omega 3 fatty acids in the past few years.

OMEGA 3, also known as “good” (monounsaturated) fats, has been lauded as the catalyst for a myriad of health benefits. These benefits range from an anti-aging effect to a mood enhancer, to a way to supplement and enhance a weight loss program. But what’s more important is, the real health benefits, the best sources, and the optimal dosage of Omega 3 you should take.

Yes, Omega 3’s are the Real Deal ❗

benefits of omega 3

The truth is that Omega 3 has been studied and proven effective and beneficial in a vast number of areas. They’ve been shown to:

red tickImprove joint health and vision

red tickLower bad cholesterol

red tickLead to younger-looking skin tone and hair texture

red tickImprove heart health

red tickReduce the risk of Alzheimer’s

red tickHelp with mood and weight regulation.

In a nutshell, Omega 3’s are anti-inflammatory and anti-aging elixir, which leads to health benefits in many areas, including the ones associated with aging and the slowing down of physical processes. ?

Benefits of Omega 3 for Weight Loss and Maintaining Ideal Weight

Omega 3 fatty acids can help support your diet or weight loss program in a number of ways.?

For one, they have been proven to lower blood insulin levels…

benefits of omega 3…and this means the extra calories you eat tend to be burned off instead of stored as fat. They are also anti-lipogenic, which means they block fat storage in your body. Omega 3 also increases blood flow and raises your metabolism, as well as reduces cortisol (the stress hormone), allowing your body to burn fat faster.

Omega 3 also helps to regulate optimal blood sugar and serotonin levels (the “good mood” body chemistry), as well as promote optimal liver function (the liver helps to control fat storage levels in the body.)

Benefits to Skin, Hair, and Overall Anti-Aging Effects?

Many people who take a regular dose of Omega 3’s report a noticeable change in their skin tone and hair texture. Their skin seems to glow from within and radiate a fresh and youthful aura, no matter what their age. Their hair seems more lustrous, shiny, and full of life. In a very real sense…

…taking Omega 3’s helps you to moisturize from within

benefits of omega 3

Since the body cannot produce Omega 3’s on its own, it is crucial that a supplement is taken or that foods rich in Omega 3’s are eaten regularly to ensure optimal levels of this compound.

More About Omega 3s

Omega 3 can be ingested in supplement form, but they are also readily available in many foods that you might already be included in your diet. Salmon, walnuts, tuna, olive oil, soybean oil, broccoli, flax-seed, and avocados are all rich in Omega 3’s.

benefits of omega 3

Omega 3 very effectively helps lubricate the body’s joints, allowing them to function at optimal levels. The result is less friction in the joints, decreased inflammation, smoother functioning, minimal grinding, and less wear and tear — thereby, fewer issues with pain and stiffness even as the body ages.?

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is found primarily in fish oil, and it is the ultimate form of fatty acid available to humans. Most people get far too little of it, especially since the conversion of ALA to DHA tends to be slow and minimally yielding in food.

Taking a daily dose of DHA from a supplement is an efficient way to feel THE benefits of Omega 3

What is the Proper Dosage?

Generally, adults should take 1 to 2 1000 mg soft-gels of Omega 3’s daily. (One per day for women is probably fine.) However, note that fish oil supplements can vary widely in the ratios and actual amounts of DHA and EPA.

benefits of omega 3

Salmon oil contains more DHA than EPA; an algae supplement may only contain DHA. Krill oil contains significant amounts of both. Read the labels and aim for 300 to 600 mg of DHA per day. Make sure the fish oil supplement you choose is mercury-free and free of PCBs. Flax-seed soft-gels are also a good option, with no risk of toxins.?

While no vitamin or supplement is a panacea or replacement for an overall balanced approach to health and nutrition…

…Omega 3’s actually do live up to the hype

It’s an easy adjustment to make for your healthy lifestyle. ✔

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