Exercise Your Shoulder with Yoga!

shoulder exercise

Weight training can be hard on the shoulders and arms, particularly when mistakes occur and the weights are lifted incorrectly.

The risk of injuries during a shoulder exercise can make it hard to enjoy the fitness routine because the entire focus is on preventing an injury. Fortunately, yoga can help develop strong shoulders without taking major risks or ruining flexibility in the arms. ?‍♀️

Health and Yoga

Although yoga can seem to focus on flexibility, it is actually a useful way to build muscle and develop strength in the arms, shoulders, chest, legs and other muscles throughout the body.

shoulder exercise

According to the National Institutes of Health, yoga combines physical postures with breathing and meditation techniques to improve overall health and well-being.

It has an impact on stress…

blood pressure and mental health when it is used appropriately

DUE TO HEALTH BENEFITS, adding yoga as part of a workout routine can improve strength training efforts while also working on personal health.

Dolphin Plank Pose

shoulder exercise

The dolphin plank pose is a modification on the original plank, states Yoga Journal. The pose starts with a similar shape as the plank, but it puts a greater emphasis on the upper arms and the shoulders rather than the entire arm. Instead of balancing on the hands in a pose that is similar to a push-up, the body is balanced on the fore-arms.

Start on the hands and knees and place the fore-arms flat on the yoga mat. Keep the palms of the hands down on the mat to maintain balance. Slowly walk the feet back until the back and legs are straight and the body is balanced on the fore-arms and toes.

Straighten the back and pull the stomach in as tight as possible ✅

Hold the pose for 30 seconds before releasing it. The pose focuses on strengthening the arms, chest and core muscles. It is part of a routine to strengthen and sculpt the shoulders for a great look.

Extended Puppy Pose

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The extended puppy pose is a lighter version of downward facing dog that is ideal for beginners to yoga or advanced practitioners who want to work on opening up the shoulders. As part of yoga for strong shoulders, it is a good addition to a basic routine.

Start by sitting back on the heels of the feet

The pose is similar to child’s pose and it starts in the same position. Slowly walk the hands forward and straighten them. The chest and face should be near the yoga mat while the hands extend far forward. The legs should bend at a 90 degree angle and the back should arch just slightly.

Open up the shoulders and chest while pulling the stomach tight. Hold the pose for 30 seconds and then release the pose by walking the hands backwards and sitting back on the heels of the feet again.?

Stick Pose

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Stick pose might sound funny due to the name, but it is a great exercise for the shoulders and arms. According to a2zyoga.com, the pose requires the arms, legs and back to straighten and tense so that it is like a stick.

Start by sitting on the yoga mat with the legs straight out from the body and spread about hip-width apart. Place the hands just behind the hips so that the hips and shoulder line up when the back is straight. Hold the back straight and press the hands down into the yoga mat. Bring the legs together and press the heels down into the mat while pointing the toes.

Hold the entire body straight for 30 seconds and then release the pose

Building up strong shoulders requires exercises that focus on the arms and shoulder muscles. Fortunately, many poses in yoga work on the shoulders and arms, so it is not hard to strengthen the muscles. ?

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(1) https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/yoga-what-you-need-to-know
(2) http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/finder/anatomical_focus/shoulders
