The Pros & Cons of Online Yoga Program

Taking an online yoga program at home can mitigate (if not entirely solve) these issues. Of course, it’s not a perfect solution — virtual yoga courses present their own challenges.

Let’s dive into the pros and cons of online yoga, as well as how to enjoy all only the pros.

The Advantages Of Online Yoga Program

Benefit 1: It’s much cheaper

No matter how you slice it, “real-life” yoga courses are far costlier than virtual ones. Drop-in courses usually cost between $10 to $20, with studios offering slightly cheaper rates if you buy classes in bulk.

Online courses, on the other hand, are often available for as low as $5 for a class.

Buy a monthly unlimited subscription package for $8 to $25, do five classes per week, and the price per class is extremely low. That makes practicing yoga much more budget-friendly.

online yoga program

Benefit 2: It’s faster

When going to a class is as easy as laying out your mat and pressing “play,” it’s a lot likelier you’ll do it.

Between getting in the car, driving, finding parking, and walking in (and repeating the process in reverse when you leave), an in-person class can often eat up two hours of your day. An online yoga program, however, takes seconds to get started.

Benefit 3: It’s flexible

Much like that impressive woman doing a headstand in the front row, online classes are very flexible. Because you can choose from five- to 90-minute videos, it’s easy to fit one in.

Running behind schedule? Do a short class. Got plenty of time to spare? Take a long one, or even binge a few in a row.

When you’re going to a studio class, you usually only have three choices: 45 minutes, 60 minutes, and 90 minutes. It’s great to have more variety. Plus, you can practice whatever you want — not what the studio is offering on the time and day you’re free. Maybe you want a slow, relaxing class. Or maybe you’re looking for something that will move quickly and challenge you. All you need to do is search and pick your favorite option.


Benefit 4: It’s travel-friendly

If you want to maintain your yoga routine when you travel, you’ll love online yoga apps and courses.

When you’re in a new place and out of your normal routine, finding the time, space, and motivation to exercise is extremely tough. Virtual yoga lets you prop up your screen anywhere, anytime, and go through a flow or practice a position. Doing yoga on the go becomes — well, if not effortless, much easier.

Benefit 5: It gives you access to amazing teachers

Most of us will never get a chance to take a yoga course from one of the best teachers in the world. In-person, that is. You can take nearly unlimited courses with amazing yogis online. This is an awesome way to learn yoga from the people that inspire you.

Benefit 6: It’s less intimidating

Whether you’re a yoga veteran or a newbie, let’s face it: Walking into a yoga class can feel scary.

Maybe you are nervous you won’t be able to do all of the poses or understand the teacher’s instructions. Perhaps you feel different than the other people in the class or worry you’re not wearing the “right” clothes.

These anxieties aren’t present when you’re practicing in your own home. Who’s going to judge you for wearing an old shirt, your cat?

It’s often easier to get into a relaxed, meditative state in the comfort and solitude of your house or apartment. That being said, an online yoga program comes with some drawbacks.

The Disadvantages Of Online Yoga Program

Disadvantage 1: It’s not as safe

Without the expert help of an instructor, you might do poses incorrectly, leading to bad habits and poor form — and potential injuries.

A teacher can help you make progress by spotting and fixing your mistakes.

Without this individualized attention, yoga is harder to learn.

Disadvantage 2: It’s not as communal

While practicing solo is definitely soothing, there’s something special about practicing yoga with other people.

Bonding with your classmates is common — and not surprising since you’re all participating in a deep, typically meaningful experience.

If you enjoy walking into the studio and seeing familiar faces, or making friends in class, online yoga might not be ideal.

Disadvantage 3: It’s easier to put off

If you’ve committed to a class, you’re probably going to show up (especially if you’ve paid in advance). However, if you’re planning on doing a video — which you can access anytime — you may put it off. “I’ll do it before lunch” turns into “I’ll do it after I run my errands” turns into “I’ll get to it when we finish dinner” turns into “It’s time to go to sleep, guess I’ll practice tomorrow.”

Do you need something or someone to keep you accountable? That might be an obstacle for online courses.


Disadvantage #4: It’s harder to follow

Some have a hard time following online yoga teaching.

“It’s hard to do the poses and simultaneously check the screen to make sure you’re doing them properly,” says Lindsey Allen, a graphic designer who’s been practicing yoga for several years.  “I’d much rather take a class in person, where an instructor can make corrections to my poses.”

So Should You Enroll?

So, will an online yoga program be responsible for the next generation of yogis? Or should you stick to the millennia-old tradition of practicing yoga in person? The answer is… both!

You don’t have to choose one or the other. Supplementing real-world classes with online ones — or vice versa — is the perfect way to make your practice convenient, consistent, and affordable, as well as effective, safe, and challenging.

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