Doing 1-on-1 Private Yoga Lesson


Yoga is a combination of mental, spiritual, and physical exercises ✅

Group classes offer an opportunity to build a community based on yoga along with training in the technique. However, private yoga lesson instruction takes the training and technique a step further with individualized one-on-one sessions.?‍♂️

Personalized Sessions

When takingprivate yoga lesson, you have more control over the setting of the sessions.

private lesson yoga

You can choose to host the instruction in your home or in a location convenient to you ?

For new moms, weight-conscious individuals, or busy business owners, the ability to practice yoga in the home or office ensures consistent exercise. Additionally, when working with a private instructor, you can schedule the sessions to best fit your schedule rather than organize your day around a yoga studio calendar.?

Advancement in Yoga

private lesson yogaPRIVATE YOGA LESSON can give you the push you need to take your yoga practice to a more advanced level.

While a group session requires a single instructor to watch several students, a private session means the instructor has both eyes on you.

A private instructor will give you personalized help on particular aspects and skills that you need to develop to become a more advanced yoga student.

Encouraging a More Powerful Workout

Yoga offers a range of exercises from mental stretches to powerful feats of physical movement. If you are interested in using yoga as a way to burn calories and increase your overall physical fitness level, opt for private sessions.?

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Your instructor will be ABLE TO DESIGN a physically demanding yoga workout that is tailor-made for your strength and fitness level. As a plus, your instructor will be RIGHT THERE NEXT TO YOU offering motivation and challenges that will force you to push yourself.

Opportunity to Explore New Methods

Say you started with Iyengar yoga, but you want to try nude yoga. What if you can’t find a studio that offers nude yoga?

What if you are not comfortable getting naked in front of others?

Having a private instructor grants you the liberty to delve into new yoga techniques. When you choose a private instructor, ask what types of yoga they have experience with if you are interested in exploring new methods.

You can learn which types of yoga are best suited for your needs and personality without having to go to a new studio or start fresh with a new group.

Become the Best You Can Be

WHEN PRACTICING YOGA, it is essential to have someone who is evaluating your every move. Otherwise, poses like Warrior III or Downward Dog may cause you injury rather than invigoration. Some moves, such as the Plough Pose or the Crane Pose, can be nearly impossible to achieve correctly without one-on-one attention as you flip and fold into position.?

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Whether you are a newbie or a yoga student, having a private lesson allows you to be the best!

A yoga student can certainly benefit from a group session ?

HOWEVER, the benefits of practicing yoga with a trained professional in an individualized setting are much more ideal. Additionally, INVESTING IN PRIVATE LESSONS, naturally ensures that a student is more willing to learn and practice. Serious yoga students truly benefit from private instruction.

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