If the body is healthy then everything is healthy. When the body becomes unhealthy then everything goes wrong.
THE BODY IS CONNECTED TO THE MIND, intelligence, pride, etc. If any part of the body is in pain, the mind’s attention will go there. There are some Siddhi Masters who are able to keep the bodily pains and the mind separate, but this is not possible for the ordinary man.
Therefore it would be better to keep the body and mind free from ill health?
While there is still time. And so, not for others, but for the sake of your own self and good health, by paying some daily attention regularly, not only will one gain a strong, healthy and beautiful body, but we will also help in creating a strong, healthy and happy nation.
Surya Namaskar – Sun Salutation
The cyclic energy is dependent on the Sun. Without the sun, no human being can stay alive, and that is why we pay our respects to the Sun. The Surya Namaskar not only helps in KEEPING THE BODY AND MIND HEALTHY AND STRONG, but one also gains spiritual benefits. Chanting of mantras as one does the Surya Namaskar also allows the inner pure energies to be awakened.
In the Shastras, it is also written that by doing the Surya Namaskar one can become free of untimely death. Sins are forgiven and goodness is protected, and also those who do the Surya Namaskar are never lacking in wealth. Therefore everyone must do the Surya Namaskar, every day. Just as Lord Shank Bhagwan is pleased when one pours water over the lingam, in the same way, the Sun God is pleased Just by us folding our hands together in the Namaskar.
And so the greatness of Surya Namaskar in unmeasurable☀
We now discuss the sequences of the Surya Namaskar, which is in 12 parts.
Surya Namaskar Poses:
1. Pranamasan (Prayer Pose)
Turning towards the direction of the Sun God, close your eyes and with your hands folded together at the chest level, chant the mantra, ‘Om Hmam Mithraya Namah’, Fix your mind on the Anahat Chakra (heart center).
2. Hasta Uttanasan (Raised Arms Pose)
Breathing in, raise both your arms up and stretch backward as much as you comfortably can Chanting ‘Om Hreem Ravye Namah’ fix your mind on the Vishuddha Chakra (throat center).
3. Pada Hastasan (Hand to Foot Pose)
Exhaling completely, bend forward and try to bring your palms to the ground, bringing your head as close to the knees as possible. While chanting the ‘Om Hroom Suryaya Namah:’ fix your mind on to the Swadhishthan Chakra (lower abdomen area).
4. Ashwa Sanchalasan (Equestrian Pose)
Take your left leg behind you and keep your right foot between the two palms. Breathing in, stretch your head up. Chanting ‘Om Hraim Bhanave Namah:’ fix your mind on the Ajna Chakra (center of the forehead).
5. Parvatasan (Downward Dog)
Exhaling, take your right leg behind you and lift your hips up. Keep your head between the arms. Chanting ‘Om Hroam Khagaaya Namah:’ fix your mind on the Vishuddhi Chakra (throat center).
6. Ashtanga Namaskar (Salute with Eight Parts)
Keeping your breath in a steady rhythm, bring your knees, chest and forehead to the ground. Chanting ‘Om Hrem Pushno Namah:’ bring your attention to the Manipur Chakra.
7. Bhujansgasan (Cobra Pose)
Breathing in, lift your upper body up. The hips should be in contact with the ground. Feet together and soles resting on the floor, chanting the ‘Om Hraam Hiranya Garbhaya Namah:’ fix your mind on the Swaaadhishthan Chakra (the area below the abdomen).
8. Parvatasan (Downward Dog Pose)
Follow the same sequence as number 5, chant ‘Om Hrim Marichaya Namah:’.
9. Ashva Sanchalan Asan
Take your right leg behind you and keep your left foot between the two palms. Breathing in, stretch your head up. Chanting ‘Om Hroom Aadityaya Namah:’. fix your mind on the Ajna Chakra (center of the forehead).
10. Padahastasan
Follow the same sequence as number 3, chant ‘Om Hraim Savitre Narnah:’.
11. Hasta Uthanasan
Follow the same sequence as number 2, chant ‘Om Hroam Aakarya Namah:’.
12. Pranamasan
Here, you come back to the first part of the sequence. The mantra is ‘Om Hram Bhaskaraya Namah:’.
Benefits of Sun Salutation – Surya Namaskar:
- This makes the whole body STRONG AND HEALTHY. ?
- If you do 10 to 12 rounds every day, any weakness from the body can be removed.
- The different systems of the body’s digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems are all’ strengthened. and their functions executed smoothly.
- Builds up the concentration of the mind.?
- Physical strength and power, brightness, and vigor are all gained with regular practice.
In spite of this being a VERY IMPORTANT ASANA SERIES, those suffering from a hernia, high blood pressure, heart problems, or chronic back pain should avoid doing the Surya Namaskar.
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