Use Yoga as Arm Exercises!

YogaFX Ghomukasana arms

Yoga is popular for relieving stress and improving posture.

MANY PEOPLE TURN TO YOGA when they are looking for exercises that are gentle on the body. Don’t let yoga’s slow and steady movements fool you. However, doing yoga as arm and overall body exercises can be more effective than using heavy weights or fitness bands.

The reason? Think length

While lifting dumbbells or using a weight bench can certainly help you grow your muscles, without the proper stretching, muscles can appear compact, or bulky if you will.

YOGA, because it uses poses that repeatedly need to be held steady for several seconds at a time, offers the same benefits of muscle building and endurance, but with the stretching part built-in.

Muscles which are strengthened and stretched at the same time…

…tend to have a longer, leaner, and more toned appearance. Long and lean (…and tan and lovely…), of course, can be very attractive and healthy-looking.

BIKRAM YOGA is especially helpful for this type of training because it is practiced in a heated room, which lends itself to markedly increased flexibility and ease of movement.

Keep in mind that, just as with any exercise.

THERE ARE MANY styles of yoga to choose from, and the type you do really depends on personal preference and the result you are trying to achieve.

Regardless of the discipline, you choose, for strong arms…

…it is best to use a combination of several classic yoga moves

Here are the TOP 3 yoga poses, which, according to world-renowned yoga professional and author Kathryn Budig, can help you build optimal overall upper body strength and exercise your arms.

Dolphin Pose

yoga dophin pose? Start by lying on your stomach with your arms relaxed comfortably at your sides.

? Bend your arms at the elbows and bring your forearms up to the sides of your head, and lay them flat on the ground about shoulder-width apart.

? Curl your toes inward and lift your hips/rear off the ground.

? Slowly walk your feet towards your head, keeping your forearms flat on the floor, and your shoulders and neck relaxed.

Forearm Plank

yoga forearm plank? Begin on all fours and then bend your upper body so that your forearms lay flat on the ground.

? Slowly walk your feet back until they are stretched straight out behind you. Your body should be stretched in one long line, with your forearms remaining flat on the ground. Your elbows should be directly underneath your shoulders.

? With your legs hip-distance apart, and your toes curled under, lift your body a short distance from the ground, keeping your body in a straight line.


YogaFX Ashtanga RYT 200 Yoga Teacher Training Seminyak Bali? Start by kneeling on all fours.

? Curl your toes inward and walk your feet back until they are stretched out behind you.

? Place your palms flat on the floor and keep your arms in a straight line underneath your shoulders.

?Your body should be in a straight, slanted line, with your arms tensed and engaged in supporting your upper body. Keep your head in line with the rest of your body.

EACH OF THIS POSE should be held for one full breath or more over 2 to 3 repetitions.

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[1] A study conducted by the School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith, NSW 1797, Australia
[2] University of Rochester Medical Center, 10 Good Reasons to Try Yoga
[3] Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy, Medical College of Wisconsin, The effects of active and passive stretching on muscle length.
[4] Department of Health and Exercise Science, Colorado State University
[5] Forbes Magazine, Yoga’s Kathryn Budig, Evolving Passion into Business
[6] Prevention Magazine, Best Yoga Poses to Build Strength
