Yoga for Bodybuilders

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Although exercise and weight training are important for human health and vitality, bodybuilders can face joint and muscle pain problems.

YOGA IS A USEFUL SOLUTION to help realign the body properly and improve flexibility so that bodybuilders do not experience the same pain level. Beyond helping with any muscle or joint pain, yoga can also help improve poses and movement. ?

Risks in Bodybuilding

Bodybuilders spend hours improving muscle mass and physical exercise, but that does not necessarily mean that good health will always follow. Common problems with health can occur due to building up a large amount of mass and hours of exercise for extended periods of time.

The first risk that a bodybuilder might face is OVERUSE injuries

YogaFX RYT 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training Seminyak Bali

Lifting weights, particularly heavy lifting, can result in injuries to the muscles and bones. In the worst case, accidents can occur that result in losing certain physical abilities. Even minor injuries from general weight lifting and exercise, such as sprains and strains, can add up over time. Those small injuries result in pain and discomfort.

Beyond the physical risk of injuries, bodybuilders often face a reduced range of motion due to increased muscle mass. Building up muscle has a risk of losing flexibility.

Range of motion decreases and the body becomes less capable of stretching and moving freely

Along with the reduced range of motion, stiffness in the muscles can develop that REQUIRES LONGER PERIODS of time stretching to regain the same physical movement level.

YogaFX Canggu yoga alliance certified teacher training BaliJoint damage is another common problem that occurs over time while bodybuilding.

The reason is simple: the joints take on more pressure due to exercises, weight training, and increased muscle mass. Over time, the joints rub together and cause discomfort and pain. When measures are not taken to correct the joint pain, arthritis develops.

Although bodybuilders spend hours exercising, they face health risks that are possible to prevent. It is not necessary to lose range of motion or face uncomfortable injuries due to increased stiffness.

Bodybuilders can reduce the risk of joint pain and arthritis by properly aligning different parts of the body. ✅

Improvements from Yoga

Bodybuilders can see positive changes by ADDING YOGA TO A NORMAL ROUTINE. Beyond the improvements to the flexibility…

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yoga can help improve sleeping habits energy levels and general happiness…

…suggests the National Library of Medicine.

Sleep is a necessary part of healing after exercise because the body takes that time to repair muscles. A greater amount of energy can provide the opportunity to enjoy exercise without losing focus or taking unnecessary risks due to fatigue.

Downward Facing Dog

The yoga move called downward facing dog is a basic move found in several yoga practices. The movement INCREASES GENERAL FLEXIBILITY throughout the body and improves circulation. It also stretches out all of the muscles throughout the body, suggests Yoga Journal.

YogaFX Bikram Yoga RYT Hour 200 Teacher Training Canggu Bali

Start on your hands and knees. Place your hands forward and adjust the knees so that they are below your hips. Slowly, lift the knees off the floor and pull the tailbone away from the spine.

Shift your weight back so that your heels touch the ground. Tighten the shoulder muscles and keep your head between your arms. The proper form has a shape like an inverted V.

Half Spinal Twist

The half spinal twist is designed to improve flexibility in the back and reduce back injuries from lifting.

YogaFX Bikram Yoga RYT Hour 200 Teacher Training Canggu Bali

Sit on the floor with both knees in a 45 degree angle

Place one leg on the ground in a half-cross-legged seating arrangement and lift the other leg’s foot so that it is over the leg on the ground. Place the foot flat on the ground so that the 45-degree angle is maintained.

Twist slowly so that the opposite arm as the leg is up at an angle lies flat against the outside of the leg. Hold the pose and then release it. Repeat toward the other side.

Warrior Pose

Warrior pose is a POSE OF POWER that improves general balance and builds up core stability.

YogaFX Ubud Bikram Yoga RYT 200 Hour Teacher Training Course Start with the legs together. Make a side lunge with the front foot facing forward and the back foot facing sideways. Hold the arms straight from the shoulders. Hold the pose for a few seconds and then release it.

Yoga can help bodybuilders improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries ?

Although it might seem difficult at first, the practice can increase the amount of time that bodybuilders can continue working out and enjoying the sub-culture while also IMPROVING MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH.

Just for once, you can be involved yourself fulfill your passion full of talent, grit, and wisdom?

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