Home Be Curious Take A Look Inside To Discover Why YogaFX RYS 200 Is Different

Take A Look Inside To Discover Why YogaFX RYS 200 Is Different

Take A Look Inside To Discover Why YogaFX RYS 200 Is Different

All Hatha Yoga Series Consists of Precise Yoga Poses Done in Sequential Order of RYS 200.

AT YOGAFX INTERNATIONAL RYS 200 Hours Yoga Teaching Academy in Seminyak, we sat down and analyzed each and every Hatha Yoga series. We listened to our yoga student’s feedback after every class throughout our yoga teaching experiences.

YogaFX looked at timings, flow, ease, difficulty, beginners, advanced, popularity, and student enthusiasm. We looked at yoga class student attendance numbers, ease of advancement, flexibility at adding new asanas, and routine modifications. All of this information and more was taken into account through the eyes of our students. IT IS FROM this research that our YogaFX RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training course was designed. During this long process, we confirmed that there are many crossovers poses between each of the Hatha yoga series.

We want to avoid DUPLICATION’S of poses on your course

YogaFX Triangle Pose

These duplications were not a surprise as they are all based upon Hatha Yoga

But for the sake of a couple of postures here and there, they are all very similar.

We were also very aware that the most popular yoga class is only 60 minutes long. This means that a good yoga teacher can only really teach say a maximum of 15 postures (two sets) in one yoga class. A new yoga teacher without the proper training. Or a less experienced, less confident existing yoga teacher may only manage 10 to 12 postures.

It is therefore very difficult to understand why so many Registered Yoga Schools try and teach you (only by demonstration and not by dialogue) 80 to 140, or more yoga postures in 23 days. An RYS 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Ubud Bali is still trying to teach 130 postures in 24 days❗?

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for even a very experienced teacher to absorb, learn, and practice safely, this amount of postures. The majority of these postures will have to be taken from the more advanced series, some of which actually take years to get anywhere near correct postures alignment.

practice a sequence learn the dialogue and be confident and ready for your first class

YogaFX RYT 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training Seminyak Bali

After taking into account all of this information, and drawing from our own actual vast yoga class teaching experiences, we have produced the perfect blend of 2 of the world’s most popular Hatha Yoga Series.

We are excited and confident in the knowledge that we can comfortably teach you safely 30 to 40 postures during our 20 days together. We will also teach you a very strong yoga dialogue, so as to enable you to confidently command presence when teaching your first yoga class.

YogaFX RYT 200 Yoga Alliance

These two Hatha Yoga Series have a wide range and have extremely well-sequenced routines. They have stood the test of time.

It’s a well-known fact, repetition breeds success. Anything that you repeat you will become better at.

WE WILL TEACH YOU the world’s most popular and modern Hatha yoga series and the complete yoga class dialogue for each posture.?

giving you a dynamic range as a yoga teacher

Just imagine, you will graduate as yoga teaching professional, feeling confident in the posture features, benefits, dialogue, and delivery.?

During your RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training you will also build tremendous body strength and flexibility, through your continued practice of a stable Hatha yoga sequence.

FROM YOUR BACKWARD BENDING to your triangle, you will see and feel your body transform. You will notice your stamina, strength, flexibility, and coordination all increase. You will absolutely be able to benchmark your progress over such a short period of time during your 22 days of YogaFX RYT Yoga Teacher Training here in Ubud Bali.


From your backwards bending to your DOWNWARD DOG…

…you will see and feel your body transform as your strength and flexibility increase.

YogaFX International RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teaching Academy

Fully qualified and registered with Yoga Alliance giving you instant International Recognition.?

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I can only create my future by what i do today!