Yoga Class Dialogue Tips Tools and Tactics

Yogafx teacher training Hatha RYT 200
YogaFX Hatha RYT 200

Without proper training and preparation, your yoga teaching experience can be

quite overwhelming and disheartening?

These are the comments from many students that come to our YogaFX Yoga Teaching Academy for retraining. Many students that have already completed an RYT 200 hours elsewhere have left that course feeling underwhelmed and underprepared to embark on their Yoga Teaching career.

THE FOLLOWING 5 TIPS and information will help you feel more relaxed in preparing your yoga class dialogue and ready to teach your yoga class!?

yoga class dialogue

5 Yoga Class Dialogue Tips For Yoga Teachers

Public speaking is difficult enough without having to pronounce Sanskrit, name muscle groups, and tell people where to put their limbs like an elegant game of Twister. But that’s what teaching yoga requires if your goal is to guide your students safely through your class and have them coming back for more.

It’s all about what to say when to say it and how to say it

During our time visiting many yoga teacher trainings worldwide, we discovered that yoga students only practiced any yoga dialogue when teaching each other during their Teacher Training Course.

Maybe you too can also see the problem with this lazy approach by the RYS’s.

A popular saying comes to mind.

The Blind Leading The Blind

private class

Of course, it is impossible for a student of a yoga teacher training to teach a fellow student of a yoga teacher training, what to say, when to say it, and how to say it if neither of the students has had any dialogue coaching or practice first, with an experienced yoga teacher.

The results are of course predictable

It wasn’t surprising when you heard shortcuts such as, “Right arm on there, right hip move a bit forward. Lift left foot. Flex foot! Stand there, don’t move. Erm ”

For many new yoga students, the brain can’t keep up with new yoga terms, new yoga postures, remember a sequence, and deal with standing in front of large groups of students trying to put it all together. Remember, each student is waiting on your every word. Daunting yea!

There is zero structure to the above teaching methodology, and the results are as you would expect, CLASS FREEZE being the most common.

Here are the top five yoga class dialogue recommendations from our experienced
YogaFX teachers

yoga class dialogue

Not only will the following give you a few tips on how to prepare, but it will also give you a sneak peek at how we prepare our students during their RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training with our team in London, Manchester, and Seminyak Bali.

With the correct dialogue and excellent instruction, you will have the ability to teach a great, seamless yoga class. The added advantage is that it will also help you to overcome any public speaking fears.?

1. Leave out unnecessary words.

Words and phrases such as “um,”  “erm,” “now go ahead…” and “begin to…” “Remember to….” are fillers that offer no help to your students and take up precious time.

To avoid “class freeze” learn YOUR dialogue

It really is that simple.

Any presentation that you have ever listened to has required the presenter to prepare, rehearse, practice, and then deliver?THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS to giving an excellent yoga class. Each Yoga class that you teach Is your opportunity to make a difference in their life, don’t mess it up.

bikram teaching class

During your RYT 200 Hour’s YogaFX Teacher Training, our very experienced team of yoga professionals will teach you The 20 Most Important Keywords of Yoga Teaching.

As a result of their guidance, you will have the confidence and ability to keep your students engaged, motivated, and enthusiastic.?

You won’t believe how much time you gain by being concise, deliberate, and giving clear instructions about each posture. To see your yoga students practicing, enjoying, and following your dialogue with a clear beginning, middle, and end is joyful and fulfilling.

how much yoga teacher make

2. Listen To Yourself.

Often, the shorter and simpler you keep your dialogue, the better. You’ve probably experienced this before: You’re in a particular pose, and the teacher keeps going on and on about how you should relax, let it go, ignore the pain, breathe into the pain, etc. When in fact, all you can think about is, “I wish they would stop talking and get us out of this crazy pose?!” Be Short Sweet Concise. Think about your next sentence– will it add value to the posture? or are you just killing time by nervously filling the silence?

At YogaFX International RYT 200 hour’s Yoga Teacher Training Academy in Seminyak Bali, we will reveal to you The One Yoga Teaching Secret That Will Transform Your Dialogue and Release You From “class freeze” forever!

yoga teacher reviews

3. Less Is More

The need to fill up every nook and cranny with words is exhausting. And for a good reason: Silence is scary to most teachers. But how about an organic pause?

Often, there are times in a class where you must pause and allow your students to take it all in. Students need time to embrace silence to practice control of their breath and mind. Without having the distraction of what’s coming next.

The pause doesn’t have to be dramatic; it has to be organic.

A yoga class is as much about what you don’t say as it is about what you do say

We will teach this yoga class technique to you!

JOIN US for your RYT 200 Hours here in Seminyak Bali. We would love to see you here.

4. Project your voice.

yoga teacher training

It seems like a no-brainer, but there’s nothing worse than a student in the back row of a large yoga room having to strain to hear you because you are not loud enough. You can always tell who they are because they’re craning their necks, looking to see what their neighbor is doing.

We will teach you to find your teaching voice. To fill your lungs and to teach with authority, not arrogance. Reach every student from the front to the back row effortlessly.?

5.The 20 Yoga Teaching Keywords

And The One Yoga Teaching Secret That Will Change Your Teaching Experience – Forever!
Of all the tips,
this is the one that helps define who you are as a yoga teacher. What you say in class has a big effect on students and can either leave a good or bad impression.

Our YogaFX International Yoga Teaching Academy in Bali, like any professional teaching Academy, comes with its own unique original set of 20 Yoga Teaching Keywords Must-Haves.

These Yoga Teaching Keywords have been tried tested by our teachers throughout the world.

Our YogaFX yoga Teaching Academy has an accumulative 30,000 + hours of yoga teaching experience

From this solid foundation, you develop your own voice, style, and there’s no reason you can’t get creative.?

  • Instead of “ um now go ahead” what else is there?
  • Replace “ erm ” with something dynamic.
  • Forget “glide, float, drift to the top of the mat” your students are already asleep.

Once you have MASTERED A GREAT DIALOGUE, you will relax, be comfortable, flexible, and easy. And so will be your class. Teaching your yoga class becomes a joyful, effortless experience, and you’ll be amazed at how much authority you will bring to it.

And by the way that fear of public speaking is nowhere to be found❓

Join us at YogaFX International RYT 200 Hours Yoga Teaching Training in Seminyak,  Bali and discover for yourself why we have an enviable reputation for producing The World’s Greatest Yoga Teachers.?‍?

OUR DEDICATION, professionalism, and teaching experience stands us out from the crowd.

Our privilege and honor are to impart our real-life yoga teaching experiences to you, the next generation of Yoga Teachers. START your Yoga Teaching career with the best RYT 200 Hour’s Yoga Teacher Training ever.

But wait!!

What is The One Yoga Teaching Secret That Will Change Your Yoga Teaching Experience – Forever !??

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Looking forward to seeing you soon!

