Hypnosis NLP leads to altered states and has been used since civilization began to help us relax, focus, and increase well-being and creativity.

There are many similarities between meditation and hypnosis NLP. The main difference is meditation is about acceptance and being open to whatever happens, whereas hypnosis is more directional – it’s about guiding us or others to something better.
An ideal position is fully appreciating what we already have and moving towards something better.

Hypnosis NLP

Hypnosis NLP is a natural process, drifts in and out of hypnotic states all of the time. Using hypnosis to simply wake people from non-useful states can be just as beneficial as getting them into good states.
It is useful to think of hypnosis NLP as a further amplifier to improve any NLP approach.
Basic principles.

1. The power of ambiguity. If you give your clients just a structure without any content, they will often fill the gaps in the structure with the most useful content for them at that time. A blank space is often more useful than giving them the (or really, our) answer.

Saying ‘You may choose to take the action you know is right, for example, is completely un-specific. It is therefore very difficult to deny outright and this allows the client to relate the words to what is truly important to them.

2. Rhythm, tonality, and flow are key. Bath your clients in sound.

3. Shock and pattern interrupt are useful, provided we use them to lead somewhere beneficial.

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4. The pace and then lead can be used by referring to something that is irrefutable true in their world. When they accept what you say, you can lead them somewhere more useful.

5. Anything that presupposes a hypnotic state often leads to it. Encourage any behavior that supports your client going into hypnosis. Say ‘That’s right‘ or ‘That’s really good if you observe things such as slower breathing, eyes fluttering, increased flaccidity of muscles and skin, dilated pupils and lower lip becoming redder

Language Help Us Get Benefit From Hypnosis NLP

There are four types of language patterns that are particularly useful for helping us get the benefits from hypnosis NLP: Commands, embedded commands, linkage phrases, and process language.
Commands and Embedded Commands
With an effective hypnotic command, the client acts upon it before thinking. One way of achieving this is by embedding the command – by which we mean packaging it with another language.
Always learn commands first. Know specifically what you want people to do. How do you want them to feel?
The easiest step sometimes is to ask/tell them directly; e.g. stop, listen, feel good, enjoy, start now, etc.

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Commands have more impact when:
Your voice tone lowers and it is said as an unequivocal command, not as a question.
The command is emphasized through some gesture or voice change.
The voice reflects the meaning of the words.
All our non-verbal communication is congruent with the command.
We can hide the command by embedding it into a sentence, and hence the description embedded command. Packaging the command with other words can often distract the client’s ‘logical’ thinking.

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Linkage Language

As humans, we like to associate ideas, even when there is no logical pattern present.
The simplest linkage word is ‘and’. We can link one, two, or three factual statements with a statement that leads our client somewhere useful. Presenting a few undeniably true statements before a useful command makes the speaker more trustworthy and the command more acceptable.
For example:
“You’re listening to me [assuming they are] and you want to relax [if they do] and you’ve started to relax, now [command] and you’re now going into a really useful relaxed state [command].”

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When can be used as a stronger version of and? For example:
“You’re listening to me and you want to relax, and when you’ve started to notice that you’ve begun to relax, that’s a sign that you’re able to go into a really deep state, now.”

Process language

Process language combines all the above, giving your client a powerful direction but little or very little content.
For example:
“You’ve been listening and as you sleep and dream tonight, you’ll run through all the ideas we’ve explored, add some of your own, mentally rehearse them, and to your delight and surprise start implementing the most useful of them when it’s both safe and beneficial to do so.”
“And something else that may surprise you, when you least expect it, you’ll start to notice when others use these patterns, and copy the very best and add them to what you do easily.“

So far, here are some techniques for NLP hypnosis. I hope you are helped by the information from this article.

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