We’re going to break down more about online yoga learning.

To stay relevant as yoga teachers, we must maintain our personal practice as well. We find online yoga so useful in our nomadic lives! online yoga learning is an accessible way for anyone to practice, anywhere!

We break down 5 simple benefits to learning yoga online below.

Save Time & Money

Yoga studio memberships come at a premium cost. Even if you don’t choose to pay monthly, drop-in rates have steadily been on the rise as competition increases. Oh and don’t even get me started on mat rentals

Not to mention the time it takes to commute and the costs associated with parking. By the time it’s all said and done, attending a yoga class at a popular studio can cost as much as a fancy dinner on the town and take several hours!

With online yoga learning, many options satisfy a wide range of budgets. By being able to practice from your laptop or at home computer, no time will be wasted on the front or back end of class.

Who doesn’t want to save on both time and money in their life?


online yoga learning

More Accessible To Everyone

Let’s be honest, yoga in the west has warped the traditional practice of yoga. Because of the most athletic edge, it’s taken, it can seem inaccessible to many people. Or that style just may not resonate. That’s unfortunate; because as you know, not all yoga is created equal!

And if you live in a rural area, you can almost guarantee that a yoga studio may not be nearby.

The availability of online yoga has made yoga accessible to nearly everyone! As long as you have a device that can connect to the internet, you’re good to go! Additionally, if the studio experience intimidates you, online yoga can alleviate that feeling. Being able to practice in the comfort of your own home will let you get comfortable with yoga.

No matter the distance or discomfort, the yoga online learning that you do will help make yoga accessible to everyone!

online yoga learning

Access World Renowned Yoga Teachers

Being able to travel the world teaching yoga gifted us so many opportunities to practice yoga with internationally known yoga teachers. But we recognize that not everyone can do this.

Thankfully with online yoga, you can access some of those same teachers from the comfort of your own home! This is such a gift to so many who want to learn from their favorite Instagram yogis! Many instructors like Meghan Currie, Janet Stone, Taylor Harkness, and Rachel Brathen are accessible online.

Learning from these yoga teachers can provide so much value to your practice – just in listening to how they cue, guide, and the postures they use.

Try Out A Variety Of Yoga Styles

By accessing online yoga learning, you’re able to try out a myriad of yoga styles. Yoga is not a one-size-fits-all practice. While some may argue that yoga is for everyone, it’s important to find a style that resonates with you personally. And what resonates with you now, may not resonate 5 years from now.

You’ve likely tried out vinyasa yoga and perhaps restorative, but have you given Ashtanga a shot yet? Or yoga Nidra? By trying out different styles of yoga, you have a chance at becoming a well-rounded practitioner. As a yoga teacher, learning about the different styles informs your teaching.  Try out the many different styles that this ancient practice has to offer – and find what works for you! There are many benefits to learning yoga online. Having access to many different yoga teachers and styles, being able to practice in the comforts of home or while on the road, and saving you time and money are just a few of them.


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