Do you love practicing yoga, but find that today’s circumstances such as, say, quarantine life. In any case, here you can find the best online yoga program. 

Does quarantine life prevent you from making it to your favorite studio or classes? Or maybe you have not been able to keep up with your fitness goals lately? Perhaps you never considered yoga before but you’re now searching for creative ways to release all the stress from the COVID-19 situation? In any case, here you can find the best online yoga program both free and paid to help you with your yoga at home practice!

Location, time, or convenience doesn’t need to be an issue with online yoga streaming. This means you can have the luxury of working on your independent practice wherever and whenever you’d like be it in the comfort of your home, or even while traveling (the latter only after this COVID-19 situation has passed, of course! For now, let’s just enjoy our lovely homes).

So, ever wondered how to do yoga at home? From quality platforms with free yoga classes online and also subscription models, to apps and Youtube channels, we’ve gathered and reviewed the best at-home yoga videos online so you can pick your favorite!

how to become yoga teacher

Firstly about the best online yoga program is Bryan Kest is the primary teacher and owner at Power yoga. From our perspective, Bryan remains one of the best teachers we have encountered. His comprehensive site offers online yoga classes, class schedules, instructor bios, and more.

When looking for personal, consistent home yoga practices, this is a great choice. Bryan has carefully selected his teachers for their multi-dynamic experience, their well-balanced sequences with all elements of physical exercise, mindfulness, moderation, and meditation.

Power yoga also offers a variety of free yoga classes online for all levels. We love their donation concept, where a portion of the proceeds from Poweryoga is given to three different charities. So by subscribing, not only do you keep yourself healthy, but you also help give something back to the world!

Secondly about the best online yoga program is Yoga Download. This is a platform that understands the importance of affordability and flexibility. For instance, they offer not only a reasonable monthly fee, as well as free 20-minute videos. Secondly, as the name Yoga Download suggests, members have the option to download more than 1,500+ yoga videos to use on their devices at any time.

So for example, $12/month will give you access to all videos, with the ability to download two of them, while $18/month will give members unlimited access to download. Yoga Download has a community of over 250,000 followers, so if this website fits your lifestyle, become a part of the team!

This well-developed and interactive platform offers so many options for yogis at any level. Firstly, Yoga International allows users to practice at the time of the live class streaming or on their own, by downloading an already made video. Secondly, the website has an extensive list of qualified teachers and many styles of yoga, including kundalini, yin, and yoga therapy.

What makes Yoga International stand out? Perhaps their challenge programs and their digital courses, which are videos provided on topics, including anatomy, self-massage, and chakras, to help their users pursue their interests with motivation and support!

Are you looking for the best online yoga program?. But with experts to personally answer your questions and provide you with the information you need for your practice?. Certainly, if you are a person who desires 1:1 communication and advice, Grokker is the best choice. With a rich website with a variety of content, Grokke users can not only access yoga videos but many other workouts and articles related to health. So for instance, HIIT workouts, mindfulness for better sleep, and delicious recipes for protein pancakes.

Above all, Grokker is free during the COVID-19 outbreak until further notice! The platform is inaccessible without registration, a process that is, however, relatively easy and can be canceled at any time. Also, it offers Business plans for companies.

EkhartYoga was born from Esther Ekhart’s dream to share the love of yoga. Today, thousands of students around the world practice online yoga. And also a meditation on this platform. With over 3,500 classes in different styles guided by over 40 world-class teachers. They are one of Europe’s biggest online studios. Most importantly, creating positive change and transformation. But through yoga remains at the heart of everything they do.

From dynamic Vinyasa yoga to profoundly relaxing meditation. Your EkhartYoga membership gives you access to a large selection of yoga classes and challenges. 70 guided programs keep you motivated and encouraged to develop your practice. From Yoga for Beginners Course, Balanced Body& Mind, Mastering Anxiety. 30 Mornings of Yoga to Complete Yoga Program, and many more, there is a choice for everyone, regardless of their level.

Lastly about the best online yoga program is Gaia. A platform devoted to “empowering the evolution of consciousness,” Gaia offers over 8,000 films, shows, and classes related to yoga, transformation, and seeking the truth. Also, the platform makes accessing this content easy with availability on the new Apple TV, Roku, IOS, Chromecast, and on the web.

By proposing a few different plans of monthly and annual – the last also offering an option with access to Live workshops and Q&A – you can choose the best option that fits your lifestyle. Similarly, choose yoga videos based on style, teacher, level, duration, and focus. To sum up, if you want to stream videos that explore and connect with your soul and higher levels of consciousness, Gaia is for you!

