Yoga Is Great For Plus Size!


The truth is, yoga is okay for plus size – and actually, more than okay.

There are six reasons why yoga is great for plus size! More researchers are weighing in on how yoga can help achieve a greater level of health – and this includes burning calories.

Celebrity yoga trainers Ravi Singh and Ana Brett created a yoga DVD [1] called Fat Free Yoga. It is a weight to lose weight and feel great about one’s yourself. Yoga is capable of burning calories, building muscle, and reducing one’s overall weight.

By choosing the right form of yoga, you can see an all new you

The form of yoga that you may want to look into when you want to lose weight is Bikram yoga [2]. This form of yoga is done in a sauna-style room where the temperature is around 105 degrees. There will be a total of 26 yoga postures to do and most of them are done twice.

With the higher temperatures, you’re going to sweat a lot more and this promotes more weight loss. It follows the same principles as wearing the wraps when you work out to generate more heat in the body. As a result, you can burn as many as 600 calories in a single class. ?

Why should you use yoga as a way to lose weight? Here are six reasons:

1. You’ll sweat.

The whole reason that you do cardio is to work up a sweat. Most personal trainers will tell you that you aren’t burning calories until you’re sweating. When you walk into a 105-degree yoga studio, you’re guaranteed to start sweating.

2. It’s a low impact.

Yoga is a lot easier on the joints than standard cardio. You can work for the same muscle groups but without adding a lot of weight to your joints.

3. You work at your level.

You can get into the postures that are required of you at your current level of flexibility. There are blocks, furniture, and other things to help meet you halfway.

4. The breathing exercises promote good health.

Not only will you be burning calories but you will also be lowering your blood pressure and reducing the anxiety in your body.

5. Calories are burned.

When you are practicing Bikram yoga, the average calorie burn is between 350 and 600 calories in a session depending on your weight and the length of the session. ?

6. You work your entire body.

As you go through the 26 yoga postures, you will be working your entire body including core, legs, arms, back, and chest. As you do more sessions, you will continue to work in these areas. Due to the way yoga works, you will sculpt your body without adding body mass.

In Bikram yoga, there is no vinyasa, which means a controlled inhale and exhale. This is too much to handle in the kind of heat that you are subjected to. Instead, you will be focusing on the 26 poses that are relatively easy to get into.

The Utkatasana is similar to a squat where you bend your knees, keep your feet flat, and your arms out in front of you. This is working not only on your legs and your core but also increasing hip flexibility.

Each pose has a list of benefits ?

When you see a yoga class, try it out. Even if you’re overweight you can go in – and if you are, you’ll benefit more than anyone else will in the room.

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