Put Yoga Routine in Your Travel Plan!

yoga for travel

Maintaining a Yoga regimen while on the road is harder than it sounds.

Much of the challenge is not so much associated with the yoga exercises themselves, it’s in the discipline to stay on track. This includes staying with a schedule, finding the time, looking for space, adjusting time zones, locations, and many more. As a result, the best way to keep a good yoga approach is to anticipate what will happen. Here some good tips to put your yoga routine in your travel plan!

These steps include the following:

Plan out a yoga schedule ahead of time

holding phoneAlong with the rest of the trip, its appointments and changes, time for yoga should be planned out the same way. Put the time into a calendar, smartphone, note pad, or whatever is used for tracking a schedule. Once the time gets scheduled…

people tend to keep their own appointments making it easier to stay on track ➡

Plan out the type of yoga possible

Different traveling conditions are going to allow different types of yoga to be performed.

travel yoga matThinking about the options ahead of time makes it easier to plan for what’s available on arrival.

If there’s plenty of room and a good floor, full exercise can probably be enjoyed. However, where space is cramped or only a bedroom is available, a personal mat or similar might be a better approach to pack in a suitcase.

Practice stretching and forms where possible

Not all yoga needs to be done in a perfect setting. Just like other exercises, yoga while traveling can happen where small opportunities exist in private offices, hotel rooms, hotel exercise rooms, and even waiting areas where people sit down.

yoga in airport

Granted, some forms may look a little bit odd in public, but when everybody is sitting around on walls, seats, and floors waiting for a delayed plane…

…someone doing yoga stretches isn’t out of the ordinary

Always pack necessary equipment

yoga for travelYoga doesn’t take much in the way of exercise equipment but a good personal mat can go a long way for comfort when going through forms and motions. A Swiss ball isn’t going to be likely inclusion in a travel suitcase, but a favorite stretching outfit can easily be packed.

The pool makes a good option

If your travel hotel has a pool, that often makes a good environment for simple yoga forms while in the water.

yoga for travel

This can be particularly useful when no other option is available in the hotel, often when sharing a room with a partner, and the hotel exercise room is crowded with the treadmill types.

Don’t take a break when traveling

The best thing a person can do for yoga when traveling is to just stick with it. Trips too often become an excuse to take a break or fall off the schedule. Avoiding this slip will win big points in the long run with both health, continued yoga, and personal improvement. ✅

Travel can be a great disrupted to a person’s ability to stay on track with any exercise

And, not surprisingly, most better-paying jobs and roles require regular travel. So it’s not necessarily an issue that can be avoided. However, it can be managed with good planning forethought, and some creativity when opportunity allows

By making yoga a natural activity of life…

yoga for travel

no matter where a person is during the week, it becomes as natural and easy as breathing air or sleeping. Put Yoga Routine in Your Travel Plan!

But that routine needs to be put into place first, and a mental commitment has to be applied to make a behavior routine, even with yoga. ?

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