Why Yoga Is Christian-Friendly Exercise


Over the years, many Christians are upset with the idea of yoga

Yoga is just as Christian-friendly as any other fitness class. The main source of contention is because it stems from a country that is based primarily on Hindu religion followers.

Yoga is about regulating breathing and maintaining various poses without adding body mass. No religious rituals, no chants, and no drawing of pagan symbols.

It is simply a form of maintaining the body and reducing stress ?

David Waters of The Washington Post.

It approaches the topic by talking about how various spiritual leaders are coming forward to say that Christians should not practice yoga.

Some believe it is closely related to Hinduism. However, the form of yoga in the Western world is focusing on asana or posture.

There are plenty of forms of research to show that yoga is capable of reducing stress.

Research by the University of Maryland Medical Center sites.

That benefits to improve overall well-being and claims it is a form of “mind-body therapy.” As David Waters commented at the end of his article if yoga is responsible for reducing stress, why aren’t more people practicing it?

Anusara yoga is one of the most acceptable forms of yoga

It is created by a man named John Friend and is a purist form of yoga that also has a sense of humor. People are to express themselves through poses to the best of their abilities.

There is a spiritual side to Anusara yoga, though it is in the eye of the beholder. Instructors may do something along the lines of “shine your heart” when doing a downward-facing dog or refer to yourself as “the light.” Many of these references can be found in Christianity just as they can anywhere else, so Christians have nothing to worry about.

First and foremost, yoga is a mood enhancer ?

Even when you are out of shape, you can take advantage of the benefits offered by yoga. You won’t go to hell for trying to get in shape and relieve some stress, so don’t listen to what the naysayers have to say about yoga.

Perhaps it’s that they don’t know if they will be able to get up from a Table Top posea common asana that requires you to be on your hands and knees.

Your shoulders will be parallel with your hands that are spread flat on the ground. It is similar to a pose that you would strike if you were scrubbing the floors – only your back is straight and you are concentrating on taking deep, cleansing breaths.

Science and religion have typically taken a distance from one another.

When there are so many scientists and universities conducting studies on the health benefits of yoga…

it can’t possibly be a religion. Yes, yoga stemmed from Hindu beliefs but it does not require being Hindu or practicing Hinduism to take advantage of the benefits. ?

If you are a Christian, you can still practice yoga with the various instructors around the Western Hemisphere or practice in the comfort of your own home. You will see health benefits, improved flexibility, a toner body, and your soul will still be intact when you’re done with your asanas.

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[1] http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/treatment/yoga
[2] http://www.womenshealthmag.com/yoga/types-of-yoga
