The NLP Practitioner qualification is an internationally recognized professional qualification.

Qualification as an NLP Practitioner allows individuals to practice as an NLP Practitioner in a professional sense. NLP Practitioners are a popular type of coach and can assist people in many areas of their life.

The field of NLP (just like coaching) is self-regulated and there are various recognized bodies including the ANLP, NLPEA, ABNLP, and INLPTA.

These bodies provide membership, standards, and ethics for NLP professionals and they accredit or recognize NLP training courses. Only qualified NLP Trainers can grant recognized NLP qualification certificates and these and trainers will belong to one or more of the professional bodies.

The NLP Practitioner qualification is gained after an extensive period of study and after completing an NLP Practitioner training course.

The training will be typically 120-130 hours and the individual will be assessed by the trainer to establish competence.

Most trainers use a combination of ongoing assessment and final tests to satisfy themselves that an individual has reached the required level of skill.

What is the profile of a typical NLP Practitioner?

Frankly, there isn’t one. We have trained thousands of people from all over the world in the last ten or so years and they have come from every background imaginable.

The beauty of NLP is that it is a set of skills that can be learned by anyone, anywhere. It is a series of techniques and processes that produce excellence.

The main requisite for success as an NLP Practitioner is down to attitude. it requires a desire to learn, a desire to make a better world, and an attitude of curiosity. These are the attributes that you will find in any NLP Practitioner anywhere in the world.

Many Practitioner graduates of ours start their own businesses, whether working part-time or full-time as a coach or therapist, many others use their new skills in their existing workplaces in education, sports, management, sales, and other business areas.

How can an NLP Practitioner help you? 

NLP provides a set of skills that allow you to develop excellence in whatever that you do, whether it is excellence in a specialist performance involving physical skills and behaviors or excellence in thinking, communicating.

Bear in mind that there is a scale of excellence which is a continuum. At one end you may have top-level thinking in business, government, top sports professionals, and at the other end, you may have someone who is living on the street with various addictions, unable to face society.

NLP Practitioners have a set of skills that can help people at either end of the spectrum.

An NLP Practitioner will likely specialize in working with people from an area of business or an area of life that they are familiar with.

Someone from a sales background will be a Practitioner working maybe as a sales coach or trainer. Each Practitioner would be able to effectively work in either of these two areas but their existing skills combined with their NLP skills will enable them to specialize.

Work IN professional NLP practice as an NLP Practitioner/Master Practitioner or NLP Trainer:

  • Using the brain deliberately and to achieve certain objectives.
  • The use of the brain in the way that it was designed to be used.
  • Embrace and make good use of modern discoveries in neuroscience and neuropsychology which have revealed amazing information about the billions of chemical and electrical processes that take place within our brains and bodies, how blood flows within our brain to produce the phenomenon of neuroplasticity.
  • Longstanding and successful methodology (in terms of interventions and techniques) to communicate with our body and brain on its own level and terms so that we elicit the best possible response and get the results that we desire.

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