The result of the research is in the form of an understanding poured into a model which became known as the NLP Model

We absorb various inputs in the form of experiences, events, information, or data through The five senses which in the NLP model is referred to as Sensory Modalities. However, The experiences we absorb or receive from the outside world can be in the form of image data (Visual), sound (Auditory), touch (Kinesthetic), taste (Gustatory), and smells (Olfactory) which are all commonly abbreviated as VAKGO.

What Is NLP Model?

NLP Model is the process of recreating excellence. We can model any human behavior by mastering the beliefs, physiology, and specific thought processes (that is the strategies) that underlie the skill or behavior.
In other words, It is about achieving an outcome by studying how someone else goes about it.
When Richard Bandler and John Grinder modeled the strategies of Virginia Satir, they were trying to achieve what many others before them had attempted.

NLP model - YogaFXThey wanted to duplicate her extraordinary results in family therapy. Therefore, What Bandler and Grinder did differently was to find the thinking strategies she was using, rather than merely copy behaviors.
In other words, The biggest problem with interviewing experts is that skills are usually unconscious. We can not explain how we walk, talk or write for instance. Therefore, What makes you a successful parent or golfer? The expert’s own theories explain their success. These theories can include irrelevant habits and superstitions such as sportsmen and their lucky socks.

There Are Three Phases Of Modeling

NLP model - YogaFX

1. Phase 1: Observing the model
This involves fully imagining yourself in someone else’s reality by using what NLP calls a second position shift.
In conclusion, The focus is on “what” the person does (behavior and physiology), “how” they do it (internal thinking strategies), and “why” they do it (supporting beliefs and assumptions).
We obtain the “what” from direct observation. The “how” and “why” are gained by asking quality questions. Therefore, Deep trance identification is a powerful tool to accomplish this part of the process. It involves using unconscious clues to generate more information than can be obtained logically.

NLP model components

The NLP Techniques, skills, and Presuppositions enable success in modeling. These involve observing the models:
1. Representational Systems
2. NLP Strategies
3. Physiological components (like states and body postures)
4. Meta Programs, beliefs, and values
5. Reference structures – the necessary background knowledge


2. Phase 2: Find the difference that makes the difference
Traditional learning adds pieces of a skill one bit at a time until we have them all. Therefore The drawback to this method is we don’t know which bits are essential. In other words, modeling which is the basis of accelerated learning gets all the elements and then subtracts to find what is necessary.

By systematically taking out elements of the model’s behavior, we can find what pieces are essential. In other words, If the process still works without that element, it is not relevant. The important questions are:
1. What are the behavioral patterns of a successful person?
2. How does she achieve her results?
3. What did she do that is different from a person who is not successful?
4. What is the difference that makes the difference?

When you have all the pieces, you can refine and sequence the model.

3. Phase 3: Design a method to teach the skill
Until you have all the relevant pieces of skill and the necessary sequence, however, you cannot teach it effectively. We currently teach many skills with extra background information and pieces muddying the waters.
Rehearsal of the natural sequence of the skill is important. If you tried to make a cake by putting it in the oven before mixing the ingredients, it would be yucky. However, Yet we think we can teach separate elements of skills out of sequence and out of context and succeed.

NLP Model is a powerful process that can accelerate the learning of skills. Strong modeling practices are the basis of good NLP training.

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