We have classified the online yoga instructor training, here is for Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga styles. Read below so you can pick the one that best suits your needs.

1. Hatha and Vinyasa Certified Courses

When describing Hatha Yoga, “Ha” means sun and is represented by the sun of your body, your soul, while “Tha” means moon, which represents your consciousness, your mind.

So Hatha Yoga is the search for balance between the solar and lunar forces, respectively male and female. This is achieved through the union of the mind with the soul with full attention to action.
In other words, Vinyasa is a link between mind, body, and breath, represented by the synchronization between breathing and movement. It brings dynamism and intensity to the practice but does not have a fixed series. The time spent in postures is shorter than in Hatha, which results in rhythmic, fluid classes.
In conclusion, Hatha Yoga is the most sought-after practice by beginners, as it has a calmer pace and can be adapted for any audience. In Vinyasa Yoga, the asana sequences are fluid and coordinated with the breath

which makes the practice a little more vigorous.

however, Included in this online yoga certification course:
1. Format: self-paced
2. Duration: 200 Hours (300 and 500 also available)
3. Price: Paid In full $375 (currently 50% off, original price $750).
4. Installments: 15 payments of $50/mo or 10 of $75/mo.
5. Yoga style: Vinyasa
6. Videos
7. E-copies

2. A personalized program: Brett Larkin Yoga Uplifted

Therefore, One of the most exciting features of Brett Larkin’s Uplifted™ program is the 10+ hours of business training offered to help students succeed as certified yoga teachers in the digital age. It covers topics like how to market yourself online, how to negotiate your fee with studios, and much more.

Also, beyond anatomy and all the classic yoga training subjects, the Uplifted™ program features specific fascia modules with Tom Myers – regarded as the world’s foremost authority on the fascia. Fascia is the interconnective tissue that runs through your whole body, what all your muscles and cells live in. It has a deep anatomical and metaphysical philosophy of its own.
In other words, you take part in a yoga certification online, you also become part of a community, with a global network of hundreds of successful graduates, inspiring friends, and colleagues.

They also offer a Bridge program for those who already hold a 200-Hour degree from another yoga school but are not confident or satisfied enough with it.

Included in this Online Yoga Instructor Training certification course:
1. Format: self-paced
2. Duration: 200 Hours (300 and 500 also available). Ideally, 8-10 hours a week, 18-months to graduate.
3. Price: Uplifted™: $2,850 (full) or $364/mo in 7 installments.
4. Bridge program: $,1450 (full) or $287/mo in 4 installments.
5. Yoga style: Hatha / Vinyasa
6. Videos
7. Audio lectures

3. Individual Attention & Supportive Community: Zazyoga

In other words, What sets this online yoga teacher training from zazyoga.com (200h Mindful Movement Yoga Teacher Training) apart, is its high-touch, personalized approach. With daily personal feedback and one-on-one coaching from Online Yoga Instructor Training, the Zazyoga students gain a deep understanding of yoga as a practice and as a lifestyle.
Therefore, Combining the active and creative Vinyasa style with the calming practices of Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra, Zazyoga online yoga training approaches yoga as a toolbox to bring wellness and balance in your everyday life.

The Zazyoga Mindful Movement program includes three main pillars: Functional Alignment, Mindfulness, and Teaching Mastery.

A strong emphasis is put on functional anatomy. Students learn the biomechanics of the practices and their effects and applications for the body and the mind. Because each body is different, learn how to adapt the techniques and make yoga accessible for everyone, regardless of their age, level of fitness, conditions, or injuries.

Therefore, Mindfulness transpires in every aspect of this online yoga school and program. Through yoga philosophy and mindful practices, students get to observe and understand the mind’s functioning, release thought patterns, and transform their lives on and off the mat.

in conclusion, The Zazyoga students quickly gain confidence in delivering creative and inspiring yoga classes that reflect their authentic voice.
Included in this online yoga certification course:
1. Format: self-paced + one on one
2. Duration: 200 Hours (Full-time in 30 days or part-time according to your schedule)
3. Yoga style: Vinyasa / Restorative / Yoga NidraVideos
4. Downloadable manuals and worksheets
5. Daily personal practice feedback
6. one-on-one coaching calls with the teachers
7. Live community calls each week.

A strong emphasis is put on functional anatomy

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